You Give Birth

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Ethan~ "Ethan it hurts!" You screamed holding his hand. "Get this baby out of me!" You screamed pushing as the doctors told you.

Ethan was dressed in doctor scrubs and white latex gloves, occasionally he would walk down where the doctor was to take a peek, his eyes would widen and he would rush back up to you as though he never saw anything.

The doctor looked at you, "Push three more times sweetie, and the baby will be out. I can see the head now."

You did as the doctor told you, straining yourself to push. The pain hurt so much you screamed the entire time, Ethan stood next to you and he kissed your sweaty forehead, "It'll be over soon." On the final push, you heard a loud cry from the end of your bed.

"Oh mah gosh!" Ethan yelled, he dropped your hand and ran down to the foot of the bed.

He cut the ambilical cord and held the baby up as if it was lion king. He looked at you with a wide smile on his face, "It's a girl!" He laughed and hugged the baby calmly to his chest.

A couple minutes later, the doctors took the baby and cleaned her, wrapped her in a white towel and put a soft little white hat on her small head. You smiled and took the baby from the nurse and cuddled her.

"Let me hold her," he says taking the baby lightly.

The baby stiffens a little, but she gets used to Ethan holding her. He places the baby against his chest and holds her tight. You smile at the cuteness of this scene. Never have you ever seen Ethan so calm, admiring something.

"Name?" A nurse asks and she smiled at Ethan holding the baby.

"We've decided to name her Maddison Dolan." You and Ethan say in unison, when the nurse walked away Ethan kissed the baby lightly on her cheeks.

"Hi little princess," Ethan says, "I'm so happy I'm getting to see you. I promise that I will be the best dad in the world and that I'll be there for you 24/7. I love you so much pretty baby. " It was a beautiful sight.

Grayson~ "1...2...3...PUSH!" The nurse screams, "The doctor and I can already see the head!"

The pain was excruciating, you wished you could close ypur legs and push your baby's head back inside of you. But you knew that your wish was scientifically impossible.

You glanced over at your husband, he looked excited. He stared down on you, and wiped away the sweat trickling down your forehead. Not to mention, a couple of tears  that managed to slip from your eyes.

The doctor looks up at you from between your legs and says, "Push again."

You shake your head with dissatisfaction, the pain was too much for you to bare for your little body. "I can't," you cry. You look at your husband, and he looks back at ypu and squeezes your hand tightly.

"Baby, push okay? I'm right here with you. It's going to be okay."

"No, I can't," You say crying a little more than before, "It hurts so bad."

"(Y/N), I didn't wait nine long months for nothing. I got you. Push dear. Just push. Take a deep breath and push." He kisses your forehead as you begin to push for the last couple of times.

Suddenly, the pain is not as bad as it was before, and a loud screech is heard. The doctor stands to his feet holding a bloody and crying baby. He hands the baby over to the nurse, "It's a boy Mister and Misses Dolan."

He looks at me and smiles, "Just one push and the second one will be out too." You pushed one long hard push, and there was another loud cry.

"What about the other one?" You asked curiously.

"It's another boy!" The nurse cheered.

You can see your husband, Grayson, smiling. You look at him and smile back, "Just like we wanted." He whispers to you. You nod your head with exhaustion. The nurses take away your babies to be cleaned and measured for health.

Grayson sits next to me and kisses my forehead, "Baby, I am so proud of you. Look at what you just did."

"Well, you helped me do this." You laughed weakly.

Soon, your baby was bought back to you wrapped in a blue blanket, and a blue little hat, they bought around the second baby boy wrapped in a green blanket and a green hat. Their eyes were shut tight. The nurse hands you the baby in blue, and he feels so good in your arms. Grayson cradled the baby in green, he held him tightly to his chest.

He's so tiny, his little hands curl around my finger, and his little body is curled against my chest. He feels warm and his little heart is beating against yours. A little drool slips from his mouth as he sleeps peacefully.

"What are you going to name them?" A nurse asks.

I look at Grayson, "His name will be Landon Bailey Dolan."

Grayson looked down at the baby in his arms and he smiles, "Can we name him Logan Grant Dolan? Ethan will be so happy!"

Grayson signs their birth certificates, And the nurse leaves you four alone.

"Look at what we made." You say to Gray.

"Let me hold him," he says taking the baby lightly.

"Hi little baby," Grayson says, "I'm so glad I'm finally getting to meet you. I've waited nine long, hard months just to hold you. I just want you to know that I love you so much." It was a beautiful sight.

The Dolan Twins Imagines and PreferencesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant