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As promised in my admin book, the update for The Lost Heir on 08/08/2017 New Zealand time, is here 😁

If you want to see the proposed times for when I update, I'll be posting a schedule on my admin book 'Jykuarak2'. Also if you are confused about why I'm updating this so quickly, I've already posted the reason why on my admin book.

Also, my new story is out now! Yay. Check it out if you want, it's called The Saviour. I already posted a bit about it in my previous chapter, chapter 21 I think.

Gaara and Temari stopped in the garden.
"Why did we stop here, Gaara?" She asked him.
"Because I lied to you. There was nothing that I found within his belongings." Gaara answered. "Let's get to the point. I want to hear it from your own mouth. Who is Takamatsu's father?" Gaara asked. Temari glared at him.
"You know who it is." She replied angrily. Gaara raised an eyebrow.
"I do? What's his name?" He asked. Temari glared at him.
"You know his name." Temari replied.
"Then why do you not say it?" Gaara asked.
"Because it's too painful."

Gaara raised an eyebrow.
"Fine! His name is Takoyama!" Temari shouted.
"That wasn't so hard." Gaara said. "Except that you are in denial. I didn't find anything, I just simply did some research." Temari frowned at him.
"Look Temari, you've been in denial for all these years you've even forgotten it yourself. Takoyama is not the father of Takamatsu. Naruto is." Gaara said.
"Just what are you trying to prove? What are you trying to do? Destroy what pleasant memories I have of Takoyama!?" She shouted, drawing her fan out.
"Temari." Gaara said, his voice was dangerously low.
"Ninja art! Wind scythe jutsu!" She shouted, swinging her fan at Gaara. Gaara raised his hand and a wall of sand swept up and blocked her jutsu.

"Temari, listen to reason." Gaara spoke.
"You always hated him! I knew it! And now you're trying to discredit his own child!?" Temari yelled.
"Ninja art! Cyclone scythe jutsu!" Temari screamed out as she swung her fan a second time.
"Temari, you are being delusional!" Gaara shouted to be heard above the wind. His sand formed another barrier around him to protect himself from her jutsu. He didn't really need to do anything. Temari wasn't thinking rationally at the moment. All she was doing was unleashing her rage at him through her jutsu.
"Temari! Listen to me! You know deep down in your heart Naruto is the father!" Gaara shouted.
"Stop lying to me!" Temari cried out. "It's Takoyama! Takoyama is the father!" Gaara snapped. He raised his two arms.
"Grand sand mausoleum!" He shouted, commanding his sand to flow towards Temari.
"Wind style! Cyclone scythe jutsu!" She shouted, unleashing her most powerful version of the wind scythe jutsu. The two jutsu clashed, causing an explosion of sound, sand flying all over the place.

Temari narrowed her eyes in an attempt to better her vision when a giant hand made of sand flew out of the chaos and grabbed her, slamming her into the wall behind her, holding her there. She looked up and cursed. She'd forgotten the little eyeball made of sand which Gaara normally cast whenever he commenced battle.
"Why are you so strong!?" Temari shouted. "Your sand shouldn't be able to beat my wind style!" She cried out.
"Because I have something to protect. The memory of my best friend." Gaara said as he landed in front of Temari.
"Why do you continue to stay in denial. Enough is enough, Temari. Forgive yourself, and move on. You cannot linger in the past anymore." Gaara said as he took out the photo of Takoyama. He made a hand seal.
"Release." Gaara said and the genjutsu placed on the photo was released, the brown hair and brown eyes of Takoyama finally made visible. Temari flinched as she stared at the photo.

"I know your heart still belongs to the Prince. You put a genjutsu on Takoyama so that he would embody the physical traits that Naruto had. The blond hair and blue eyes. You tricked yourself into believing you had moved on. And all the time, you still thought about Naruto, that's why, you could never tell Takoyama that you loved him. Besides, you already know, the time of your supposed conception with Takoyama is 3 months late, compared to Takamatsu's birth." Gaara said as he knelt down next to Temari. Gaara released his sand from Temari and she fell down.
"Go away." Her voice replied. It was weak, shaky and muffled. She brought her knees up to her head, hiding her face in her knees.
"Go away." She said, sounding even weaker than she had before. Gaara stood up and sighed. He disappeared with a swirl of sand to leave Temari huddled up against the wall, crying.

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