Chapter Two: The Lone Heart

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"So you're saying that he didn't even wish you with a casual 'Happy Anniversary'?" Kyungsoo asked clenching his teeth.

They were in his mother's cafe as it was a Sunday and a Sunday meant a lot of customers so the lady had asked him if he could help her around a bit. And being the ideal son he was, Kyungsoo had not only agreed to it but also managed to get Baekhyun work part time there on the weekends as well, promising him enough pay so that he could buy the albums and expensive concert tickets of his favorite Idol-some Chinese guy named Luxin...or was it Luxeun...? Kyungsoo could never understand what his best friend saw in that not-so-manly looking deer or if he could even get a word of what the heck he was singing about (because duh, Baekhyun was never good in Chinese) but he never said a word. Every time the Chinese Idol's concert would be held in Seoul, Baekhyun would drag him along to it and would even argue to stay till the event was over. The brunette would also be praying, begging hard to get a chance to meet with Lu..whatever during the fan signing event but his poor stars wouldn't let him. Kyungsoo would get annoyed with all the whinings and wailings afterward but he would just let the fanboy be. It was a very sensitive topic and Kyungsoo knew better not to pull the strings more than necessary because he learned a very hard way that a happy Baekhyun was much better to be with than a sulking and depressed Baekhyun. Anyways, coming back to the where he was, the wide-eyed male waited patiently for his best friend to reply who was busy making coffee.

"He didn't," Baekhyun replied dejectedly and poured the black beverage in the two cups.Placing them over on the tray, he handed it to Myungjun who then walked out to serve,  leaving the two best-friends behind. Kyungsoo took out the last batch of brownies and let it cool down.

"Then why didn't you wish instead?" He asked as he removed the gloves.

"Because I just..couldn't. I didn't want to spoil it for them." Baekhyun said. The scenes from the last night danced in front of his eyes. The genuine smile on Chanyeol's face, Seohyun's happiness and the love in their eyes- Baekhyun had seen it. He remembers how Seohyun had shown him the beautiful diamond ring that was mocking him right in his face, saying that he has been replaced.

Replaced? Are you serious? You were never the one Baekhyun!

Another crack scarred his heart.

How can he be replaced when Chanyeol never acknowledged him as his husband? Never acknowledged their marriage? They were just two human living under the same roof and sharing the same bed. That was all it ever was with them. But with Seohyun, Chanyeol was different. He was happy and smiling. He would always shine brighter than the brightest star whenever they held hands. He would turn into a tomato when they would kiss. All his walls would break down with just a touch from Seohyun and he would be transformed from Park Chanyeol to just Chanyeol-a cute, lovesick puppy. Baekhyun was sure that if Seohyun would ask for the world, Chanyeol would give it to her in a blink of an eye. Their love was amazing, breathtaking-something Baekhyun had always prayed for. But who was he kidding? He was never going to be loved by Chanyeol. He would never look at him with those admiring eyes, never give any of his affection.

Why would he even?

He is not Seohyun after all, right..?

He is not as stunningly beautiful as her. His family does not own a multinational fashion brand to which he is going to succeed in the near future. The only language he knows and will ever know is Korean. He wasn't as smart as Seohyun to attend a prestigious University and get a degree. He wasn't even that confident and convincing to get himself a well-paid job.

He was just Baekhyun, an orphan who lived all his life being a burden on his family and after their death, on his father's boss. He didn't possess any amusing characteristic and was the dumbest person in the world. So how can he expect for the epitome of perfection, also known as Park Chanyeol to even like him back?

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