Chapter Twenty-Nine: Wake Up! It's Morning!

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There were exactly 23 catalogs stacked up on his home desk, looking right at him. Each of them was waiting to be opened, to be recognized, to be free like they were promised by their creator. They wanted to see the world just like how much their creator wanted the world to see and acknowledge them. But little did they know that the promise no longer was valid. That instead of given a chance to live even for a moment, their hopes were going to be set on fire cruelly. What wrong had they done, they didn't know but one thing what they did know was that it was much easier to kill the innocent and the weak. They weren't going to find their voices after all, didn't had the courage in them to take a stand. When the cold flame hit them, they cried in pain. The way the fire was slowly warming and eating them up was excruciating and they begged the creator to forgive them for whatever they've done and let them live. They didn't want to die, they wanted to be with him. But everything fell on deaf ears. Or maybe their cries for help weren't as loud as the ones of their killer. Maybe the burning pain they felt with every flame turning them into ash was little in comparison to the one the designer was going through because of ripped dreams.

And as the last piece of the catalogs died, they all realized that they didn't die alone- their murderer died with them as well.

Baekhyun was on the brink of something that he couldn't describe except for the heaviness. He didn't want to carry it, he didn't want to be pressed down by the weight but the feeling kept following him like a shadow. He struggled to even breathe under the sudden pressure. His body wasn't able to handle it. It was too much. All of it. In the eerily silent room, his mind plummets down into less and less light, to the darkness beyond measure. He could feel the grip of his savior loosening as the darkness slowly yet strongly started to creep into his system through his feet. And he knew that if it succeeds, then there's no way back this time. His savior was urging him to fight it, to step up and win but the heaviness didn't allow. The thin thread that was holding it had finally broken and fell too fast on him. And before he could run, it pinned him down. He could see his savior reaching out to him, trying to save him but Baekhyun just kept falling downwards. The little light he had was fading as the branches of hope started to decay. Those voices that hadn't bothered him for a while seemed to echo in every corner of his mind as the darkness now quickly began to mark its territory on his body.

And as it finally reached his heart, Baekhyun wondered who was he going to blame this time?

Who was he going to condemn for what was happening to him right now? Should he blame Seohyun for stealing his designs?

Or is it Yoonhye because she was the one who put the idea of him being a traitor in everybody's brains?

Or maybe, he should just blame him because he, like a fool, agreed to everything thrown his way. He could've stood up, he could've just questioned the basis of accusation but instead, he took it upon.

Why you ask?

Because he was the leader. He was the one his team looked up to, he was responsible for every good and bad that happens to the team and so he thought it was the right thing to do. And now, the decision he took in the heat of the moment was going to end him soon. But this time, the end is not a new beginning. No. This time the end means the end.

So letting go of everything he was holding onto for one last time, Baekhyun decided to drown into the fathoms of the dark sea.

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