Chapter Thirty-One: Remember Me In Your Memories.

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Yuri glanced at her watch for the nth time before tapping her legs impatiently. She had been sitting in a fancy restaurant without ordering anything for more than thirty minutes and still, her companion has not arrived. Although this was not the first time she had to wait for someone, however, because of the urgency of this meeting she was getting restless. After Taemin had rejected to give her the designs, she thought that she won't be able to help Seohyun getting this OhSen deal anymore but then when she received this surprise call from one of her old friends offering the same designs, she couldn't help but jump at it. But now that this person was taking way too long, she had started to change her mind.

"Are you ready to order now Miss Kwon?" The waiter came for the third time at her table since arrival and asked. Yuri sighed and looked up apologetically at him.

"I am sorry but I am still waiting for my comp-"

"I am sorry for the wait but we're ready to order now." Both Yuri and the waiter turned their gazes at the person who just sat opposite to her.

"I will have a prawn salad and she'll have the same. Thank you." The waiter noted it down and bowed before dashing away. After his leave, the person then glanced at Yuri and broke into a wide grin.

"Long time no see Yuri." The said woman scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I wish I could say the same Yoonhye.You kept me waiting for thirty minutes!"

"I am sorry but something came up." Yoonhye apologized with aegyo to which Yuri tched but then laughed along at her cuteness.

"So, you got what you said over the call?" Yoonhye smirked and patted on her bag.

"Every single design I said."

The courtroom wasn't as spacious as they had seen it in the movies or the series. It was a small room with a suffocating interior and old furniture. The sunlight entering through the glass window wasn't providing enough light and hence they needed extra sources. There wasn't much crowd as well, just Chanyeol, Seohyun and their parents along with his lawyer and a judge were present inside the confined room while they waited for Baekhyun to show up. To pass the time, the group decided to chat except Chanyeol himself. With every passing second, he was getting more anxious and no it was not because of the fear that the divorce won't happen. He knew it was going to happen anyway, whether Baekhyun comes or not but what he didn't know was the reason why the shorter male was taking so much time in making an appearance. As long as he remembers, Baekhyun has always been punctual when it comes to important things. He was not someone who would slack off until and unless there was some grave emergency or if he was sick.

"I don't think he's going to come," Mrs. Kim said after a few minutes had passed. Mr. Kim nodded and turned his attention to Mr. and Mrs. Park.

"I agree. I say we start with the documents. We don't need him anyway."

"Maybe you're righ-"

"We can't start just like that," Chanyeol interrupted his father earning everyone's attention. "It's against the laws." The taller's lawyer was about to inform him that there was no issue when Seohyun snatched the words right out of his mouth.

"We already have his signature here Chanyeol so I don't think there's going to be any pro-"

"Hello everyone. I am sorry for being late." Chanyeol and everyone else turned their eyes to the door and found Baekhyun bowing straight ninety degrees to them. Behind him were Kyungsoo and Jongin and one another man whom everyone concluded was his lawyer. When he turned up, Chanyeol noticed the tiredness reflecting on the shorter's face and he looked a lot thinner than their last meeting which forced him to wonder if Baekhyun was alright. He would've asked it right away if only the judge wouldn't have cut him off with the beginning of the procedure. The divorcing couple was supposed to sit side by side and discuss things before they sign the document of annulment. Deep inside, Chanyeol knew there was nothing left to say. Baekhyun had already said everything and so has he, but when the shorter stated the obvious, he didn't know why but his heart ached. When the judge asked him if he wanted to say something, he wanted to say yes. There were a lot of questions running through his mind. He wanted to know if they'll be like before. He wanted to know if Baekhyun would still talk to him... and let him stay in his life. Will he call him when he needs someone? Will he allow him to let him stay by his side like always? Was he still going to come to his wedding and be his best man because Chanyeol had no one other besides him? He wished he could tell him that no one was as special as Baekhyun, that no matter whatever happens, the puppy-eyed man was simply irreplaceable. But like always, he chose silence. The Park's lawyer began to state the things Baekhyun was going to get post-divorce but the smaller male denied everything. It didn't only shock Chanyeol but also everyone else present in the room.

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