Chapter Twenty Four: Mirror, Mirror On the Wall.. Who's the Twisted of Them All?

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"You-you're getting married?"

Chanyeol stopped strumming his guitar and looked up at his girlfriend with wide eyes. Seohyun was in tears, her face paler than a sheet and his heart suddenly started to beat faster as he noticed the tablet in her hand.

"Chan... you're getting married?" She repeated. This is not how he wanted her to know. This is not how he had imagined he would tell her. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he put his guitar away and stood up from his chair.

"I-I can explai-"

"Baekhyun? He's your boyfriend?"

"It's not like that! He's-"

"When were you going to tell me about this? About everything?" Seohyun screamed throwing her tablet harshly to the ground.

"Or were you trying to keep it a secret huh?"

Chanyeol broke a little more inside.

"... .. I was..I was just waiting for the right time."

"And when was that going to come Chanyeol? After your wedding?" Seohyun laughed cynically before breaking into tears again. Taking a few steps back hazily, she looked at her lover and spoke in a broken voice.

"I don't ever want to see you again Chan... I can't do this..... let's..let's break up."

"No! Seo.. babe.. listen to me please!!! " Chanyeol begged as he stepped towards his crying lover but she pushed him away with all her might.

"Listen to what Chanyeol? That how you played me? How you broke my heart? How you broke HIS heart by telling him that I am your girlfriend when you guys were set to marry even before? TELL ME YOU FUCKING BAS-"

"I DON'T WANT TO MARRY HIM OKAY? I don't love him! Not anymore! I love you god dammit! YOU!" Chanyeol replied. That shut Seohyun up and he thought it as the perfect moment to tell her everything. Slowly moving towards and reaching out for her hands, the young man started.

"We.. we used to date during our high school. I.. I loved him, yes. I loved him a lot... and he did too. My parents didn't have any problem with our relationship and they agreed to our plan of getting married after college. My father laid down the condition of me studying in the States if I wanted to be with him... and I accepted. That...that was where I met you... and I just fell for you." Seohyun scoffed at that and averted her gaze.

"Then just tell your parents about us, or are you planning on never doing it? "

"I already did.., " sighed Chanyeol. "But they are..... against us. My dad... he wants me to marry Baek for business. "

Seohyun chuckled dryly at the last word. Business. It's always about business. Everyone she knows is obsessed with it and she hated it from the core of her heart. Why don't they care about emotions? Do feelings mean nothing in front of money? She wanted to scream it at his face but decided to keep it in and let Chanyeol continue.

"And trust me Seohyun, I don't want to do this to him... to you... I care about the both of you. You both hold a special place in my heart. Baekhyun's my best friend and're my life!" He whispers softly.

"Then call it off Chanyeol! Why are you agreeing to it?"

"Because my Dad won't listen! He wants me to marry Baek!"

"Then let's break up because I don't want to be seen as a bitch here!" Chanyeol stared at her in disbelief.

"What? Seo-"

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