Chapter Four: I Wish I Was Special

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Baekhyun clenched his fists tightly until his nails dug into the palm of his hands, but he barely noticed it. The only thing he is aware of is the sound of his heart throbbing against the cage of his chest. He wasn't scared, no. He was just disappointed and he didn't even know the reason. Or maybe he knew it in the back of his mind but he was just too coward to accept it.

He had a nice sleep yesterday after a very long time and he didn't even feel a bit cold, Chanyeol made sure of it. He even had the best breakfast today and the Parks and the maids made sure that he ate properly. Mrs. Park even insisted him to accompany her later to the mall as Baekhyun needed new clothes. He was even informed that he could now go to school and continue with his studies. Everything was set and perfect. Baekhyun thought that maybe he was safe now but when he was suddenly called in Mr. Park's office room late in the afternoon, he knew nothing was like what he had thought it to be. One step in the huge room and Baekhyun could already tell what it was all about. There were five unfamiliar faces sitting around in a circle on the comfortable looking couch with the Park couple sitting opposite to them. Chanyeol was standing next to his parents and Baekhyun could tell from his expression that it was what he had thought, they were sending him away. These people were here to take him to some orphanage or foster care because duh...Baekhyun didn't have any parents now and the only relative he knew was in jail.

Or so Chanyeol had said.

Baekhyun didn't even know if he should trust his best friend's words anymore. Hadn't Chanyeol said that he will protect him? Then why is he sending him away? Does he not want him to stay with him? Does he think he is filthy now because he was touched?

A low life?

Was this a way of breaking off their years' long friendship? Was Chanyeol this eager to break their bond that Baekhyun had to be unbreakable?

Those 'best friends forever' promises sounded so empty to him now and he was the biggest fool to ever believe in it.

Baekhyun clenched his fists tightly until his nails dug deeper into his palms, but he barely noticed it. All he could think of was the words Chanyeol had said to him and the sound of his heart breaking little by little.

"Byun Baekhyun-ssi? Are you feeling alright?" One of the unfamiliar faces said his name out loud. Baekhyun wanted to let the briny tears fall to tell them that he was anything but alright, to tell Chanyeol not to let him go away but yet he answered with a nod as he didn't trust his voice.

"Do you know why you are called here Baekhyun-ssi?" A female voice asked and the said male just hung his head lower, too scared to say a 'yes'. His head was shut down, his breath caught in his chest. Baekhyun wanted nothing to do but run over to the person he believed the most and beg him to never let him go. He wanted Chanyeol to hold his hand and make him feel safe and sound, to make him feel protected. But he knew nothing of that sort was going to happen. He was going to leave no matter what because who would want a trash in their home?

Baekhyun felt the warm liquid oozing from his lower lips but he couldn't stop biting on it as it was the only way to stop himself from breaking down.

'"Baekhyun, please come here." Mrs. Park said softly and somehow the said boy found the courage and strength to move towards her. His steps were uncertain and sloppy. He couldn't even tell how much time it took him to walk past the couch of those unfamiliar faces and reach to the beautiful lady but when he did, he felt a soft hand grabbing him and squeezing it lightly.

"Are you okay son? You look so pale." Mr. Park asked, his voice laced with concern but what was the use of it? Why being nice now when they were going to get rid of him?

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