Chapter Twenty-Two: Countdown

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The city that was mayhem during the day, abuzz with runners, chasers, and escapists, lies almost silent. There wasn't a car on the lane within a three-mile radius. The birds who would usually be singing at this time had either flown south or had better things to do. The wind wasn't whistling anymore to fill in the growing silence. Even his own breath seemed to die as soon as it left his mouth. It was as if everything conspired to keep him in the dark, not daring to whisper the reassurance he craved. And in those frozen seconds, he heard the voices he never did before. In the deafening silence, he heard the echo of a broken relationship.

"Have you wondered that we could not stay friends anymore Chanyeol?"


Chanyeol never wondered. Never imagined. Didn't even think for once. You know why? Because he knew, no, he believed that the bond he had with Baekhyun was unbreakable. That no matter what, nothing could ever bring them down. However, it seems like Chanyeol took it for granted. It's been three days. Three long days since he had seen Baekhyun yet the memory of their last conversation was still fresh in his mind. That cold, detached look in Baekhyun's eyes haunts him everytime he tries to shut his own eyes. Those words Baekhyun said are the only ones that keep ringing in his ears tuning out every other sound. Whatever it was, he would always be reminded of Baekhyun's turned back that took a part of him before disappearing behind those doors.

"You know what Chanyeol, you always made me feel like we really have a chance, but then when I try to take a chance, you make me realize that I never really did."

What did he mean, Chanyeol thought as he rolled on his bed. What was he talking about? What have I done? The harder he tried to think, the more his head ached. Chanyeol was tired now. Tired of thinking, tired of trying, tired of everything and he wished he could brush off every thought of Baekhyun that invaded his whole existence.

"Of course he will try to push me out of his life. Hasn't he already found someone better?" The taller scoffed and turned to the other side only to come face to face with Seohyun....who was staring back at him.

"Y-you.. weren't you asleep?" He swallowed.

"I would have if only you would've stopped tossing and turning so much." Seohyun deadpanned and before Chanyeol could think of a solid excuse, she beat him to it.

"What's bothering you?" The question brought Chanyeol's brain cogs to a halt. What was bothering him? The fact that Baekhyun didn't want to be friends with him? Or that he was being replaced? Maybe it was neither and only something random that he couldn't tell.

Yeah, right. That's why all you do is curse that poor woman.

"Nothing," Chanyeol replied with a frown. He didn't want to lie but for some reason, he was suddenly feeling bitter and he feared that he would lash it out on her. Also, telling Seohyun about Baekhyun wasn't even worth now. That idiot decided to end their so long friendship, remember?

"It's nothing." He repeated, maybe just to console himself. Seohyun though didn't buy his words and asked without blinking.

"Is this about Baekhyun?"

Chanyeol didn't answer.

"So this is about him," Seohyun stated. "He is the reason why you haven't been sleeping since three days?"

"Yes." The taller admitted. There was no use denying. She had already noticed the weirdness in his behavior the very same day he came back from his and Baekhyun's flat. She is no fool, she will know some way or other. He heard Seohyun sigh before she turned on the lamp and looked his way.

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