Soccer Fields

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"Oh great. I'm wet, soaked up to my knees in dirty road water. Can today get any worse? First, I fail a trig test then I spill milk on myself at lunchtime and of course Tommy saw the whole thing. Ugh, the hottest guy in school thinks I'm an idiot. Now this. Great."

Megan was an average height 15 year old. She had lightly tanned skin and beautiful blue eyes. Her hair was midway down her back and always changing colour but for now it was dark blue turning to green at the bottom. She was an orphan at 'C&D's Orphanage'. She had been there 8 years and an orphan for life.

As Megan approached her house she could hear the yelling and screaming that was to greet her when she walked through the door. Claudia's voice was so loud that Donald was having to scream to be heard. Megan knew that she should go through the front door and tell them she was home but today she just couldn't deal with it.

As she headed around the side the sky opened up and a light drizzle descended on her. She walked down the muddy path to the back of the house. The garage was normally locked but thankfully the ladder was still leaning against it from the last time it was used. She dragged it over to the 3 story house and pulled across until it was right underneath her window on the second story. She slowly climbed the ladder being careful not to slip on the damp steps.

"What are you doing?" asked Jessica Wilson, Megan's roommate. Always nosy and never able to keep a secret. She tells on everyone if they do anything wrong, unless there is something in it for her. This is the last person Megan wanted to see poking her head out of the window.

"It's just me and shut up!! I don't want them to hear me. If they find out I avoided them I'll have to do all the chores for the rest of the week."

"Okay fine just hurry upend close the window; its cold!" As Megan got to the last rung she fell clumsily over the window sill and into the room, where Jessica was sitting on her bed cross legged looking at her with an expecting smile.

"So....why are you climbing through the window instead of taking the stairs like everyone else?" They both looked at the door as heavy feet thundered by on the other side and up the stairs. Once they had passed, Megan took a seat at the end of her bed and started to peel off her water soaked jumper and soggy shoes.

"I could hear the yelling from the other end of the street. Our neighbours must really hate us. I wonder if they ever report us to the police and ask them to take us away. Personally I think they should just send the noisy ones to a different orphanage. I like this place, maybe not the people but you know. I've been here for almost 8 years and I know everyone at school."

"Yeah I understand, oh and before you think I'm doing something nice for you by not telling Claudia, you're wrong. I'm just too afraid to see Donald, I heard glass smashing downstairs and I know that it wasn't Claudia. She'd be too sentimental to do anything like that." The girls heard the yelling come closer to the stairs. They were surprised to hear that it wasn't bantering but instead Donald yelling lights out. Before he reached their door Jessica jumped into bed and Megan dashed across the room to turn the light off before he had a reason to open the door. The yelling soon travelled up the second set of stairs after a few more slamming doors.

"Night Meg"

"Night Jess"

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