Epilogue: A New Day

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I was sitting on the outskirts of the valley, pulling up the grass around my feet and letting it go, watching it blow away in the breeze. The air smelled crisp, and the wind in the trees seemed to calm my nerves. It had been week since we came to this place. This little slice of heaven. I had no idea where we were, where it was that Chancellor Paige sent us but it almost felt like heaven.

"What are you doing up here girly?" Minho asked, slowly making his way up the hill towards me.

"Watching you fail at being a leader." I joked. Minho looked down towards the valley, where we had all agreed to set up some sort of shelter. It was beginning to look just like what the boys had built in the Maze. Minho smiled a little.

"I don't think I'm doing that badly." He held his hand out for me and I looked up at him quizzically. "Let's talk a walk on the beach." A walk on the beach... There was some romantic ass joke in there somewhere. I took his hand and he pulled me up. He laced our fingers as we walked through the grove of trees, toward the fading sunlight.

When we first got here, I was amazed. Trees, a valley, the ocean. I had never seen the ocean before. I had never even seen a damn lake. This whole place seemed, surreal. In fact, I was almost certain that we had died and gone to some sort of heaven. I bumped shoulders with Minho. We still hadn't talked. Not about me. Not about Newt. Nothing. Did he even still feel something for me? He kissed me back when we left Newt behind and when we were escaping the W.I.C.K.E.D Facility but.. That was probably all of his emotions building up and washing over me. He couldn't still..

"Will you stop thinking so much." Minho said, stopping just before the sand of the beach to look at me. I caught his eye. His dark hair was blowing back lightly. It was getting a bit long, hanging down in his eyes. It looked good on him.

"What do you mean?"

"I can practically hear the wheels turning in your head. Can't we just look at a damn sunset and pretend we're normal." I blushed a little.

"We've never been normal." Minho shrugged.

"True but let's fuckin try." He walked us out onto the sand. About halfway between the waves and and the grassy field, we sat down, shoulder to shoulder. I pulled my legs up and hugged them to my chest, staring out at the ocean.

"I've never really looked at a sunset before." I murmured. "The first time I was ever really outside was in the Scorch and we weren't exactly appreciating the sun while we were there." Minho smirks.

"I still don't get why you never told me about who you were while we were out there." I put my head on my knees and look towards Minho. He's sitting cross legged, staring out at the ocean, his face illuminated by the orange, red glow of the sunset. "I understand why you wouldn't tell them but.." He looked towards me. "I thought I was different."

"You are.. And that's exactly why I didn't tell you." I murmured. "I was scared of how you would react. But I ended up making it worse." He licked his lips.

"What was I like? Before the Trials began. I don't have my memories but sometimes I dream about all of us, when we were younger. I don't know if they're memories or not though." I shrug. They could be. We'd never really been able to surprise memories altogether. They usually have a way of worming themselves back in.

"Much of the same. Stubborn, rebellious. You were just as sarcastic back then when they first brought you in and.."

"But did I treat you like a horrible person?" He interrupted. "I imagine that I did but I want to hear you say it. And don't sugarcoat it Mallory." I looked back out at the ocean.

"You weren't all horrible, not at first and some people were worse than others." I breathed in deeply. "You mainly didn't talk to me after you all found out. Even though I tried to.." I sighed.

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