The Right Arm Pt. 2

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The four of us were breathing heavily. I even felt like collapsing onto the metal ground of the van but Lawerence straightened up and said, "They're probably ready to shoot us. I have to get out before they fire their weapons."

"What?" Thomas demanded, looking through the windshield to see who might try to shoot us. "Why would they shoot us?" He asked.

"This is one of our vans but, they have to make sure our guys actually came back in it. I'll get out, they'll recognize me, I'll tell them who you three are and I'll knock on the van when it's safe to get out." He opened the door.

"Should I get in the front seat?" I asked Brenda and Thomas. Brenda was still gripping the Launcher tightly in her hands. Maybe she was waiting for them to kill us.

"Just wait." Thomas murmured, holding his hand up to stop me, like I was trying to climb over the two of them. It was the longest minute of my life, waiting for someone to shoot us, waiting for Lawerence to knock on the car. When he finally did, Thomas and Brenda got out of the car on opposite sides and to my surprise, Lawerence threw the back doors of the van open and held his hand out to me. I dropped the ice pick, stained in blood and slid towards him, taking his hand as I stepped out of the car.

"Thank you." He simply nodded as we walked around the van towards the men with guns. They still had them trained on us. I guess we weren't to be trusted.

"So how the hell do you know these kids Lawrence and why the hell did you bring them here?" One of the men asked.

"They got the best of Harry, Barbra and I. They started asking questions and made me take them to base so they can talk to our leader. She.." Lawerence started to point at me but the man held his hand up and Lawerence shut his mouth.

"Well fine. The kids want to fuckin talk, let them talk. What the hell do you want?" Brenda and I looked to Thomas who sighed.

"I'm Thomas. This is Brenda and Mallory. We were contacted by someone in the Right Arm not too long ago. His name is Gally. We were all in the Maze together, were subjects of W.I.C.K.E.D. Don't know if he mentioned that to any of you."

"Only about a thousand times." Someone muttered. Thomas ignored them though.

"My friends and I, we were on board to help but not if you're kidnapping Munies and selling them back to W.I.C.K.E.D. That's not what we were told was happening. We don't want to be a part of something like W.I.C.K.E.D ever again." The man scoffed.

"We're nothing like W.I.C.K.E.D. Our leader can tell you as much."

"So you'll take us to him?" Brenda asked.

"Only to get the three of you to believe that we're not like that crappy government facility." He gestured for the men to lower their weapons, which they did before Lawerence was instructed to bring us inside. We were lead up to rickety metal staircases and then down a short hallway to a door at the end. Inside was a table with only two people, one of them being Gally and the other a heavyset man with a beard.

"Good to see you three again." Gally said, though he didn't look too enthused.

"Is this really your headquarters? Kind of.. Depressing." Gally snorted.

"Yeah well, it's not what you're used too princess but it's what we got. We've had to move so many items I've lost count and that's just in the short time I've been apart of this group."

"So whose the leader? I hope it's not you." I wanted to hit Thomas. Minho would have said some similar sarcastic ass remark and that's the reason we left him behind. Gally scowled.

"It's Vince." He said, nodding to the man across the table. "Don't be disrespectful. He's a whole lot better of a person than you are Tommy boy."

"That's rich coming from someone who.." Thomas' sentence was cut off when Vince shouted,

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