Head Games

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"There's more of you than I thought there would be." Gally says, sitting down at a table. There's only three other seats. Gally gestures of Thomas to sit, which he does. Brenda takes a seat as well and I put Ashoka in the last one despite her protests. Aris, Jorge, Minho and I stand around glaring at Gally over their shoulders.

"This is uh, Brenda and Jorge they.."

"Are a part of W.I.C.K.E.D. Yeah, I know." He glances to me. "Told you I was right about her. Something never felt right about Mallory." I flip him off and he laughs. "Those shucks at W.I.C.K.E.D gave me my memories back, rather forcefully too but whatever." He brushes some of his hair back, the scars on his face aren't fresh but that's not what bothers me about them, they look self inflicted.

"What happened to you?" Thomas asks.

"If you're referring to my outstanding complexion, I did this to myself. All part of the plan to escape W.I.C.K.E.D."

"I'm sorry." Thomas says, startling everyone in the room. Gally starts to laugh.

"You're sorry? What the hell do you have to be sorry for? I killed your little buddy. I killed Chuck." Thomas looked away.  I was surprised by the unusually calm atmosphere.

"That wasn't your fault." Brenda said, going the sympathetic route.

"To hell it isn't. If I had any courage, any guts, I wouldn't have allowed W.I.C.K.E.D to control my mind but I was scared and they said I would kill Thomas so I thought why the hell not."

"So you want me dead then?" Thomas asks.

"Oh don't start complaining. I've never liked you that's not some new revelation."

"Can we get back to the matter at hand here?" Jorge interrupts. "You need to start talking about this end of the world crap and explain to us how the hell you escaped W.I.C.K.E.D."

"And I want to know how the hell you knew we were coming." Minho added. Gally snickered, kicking his shoes up onto the table.

"They're right." Thomas said, before anyone else could speak up. "You need to start telling us what's going on if you want our help." Gally smirked.

"I don't need your help but we have the same goals."

"Just give us a reason to trust you." Thomas said rolling his eyes. Gally huffed.

"The guy who gave you the note, his names Richard and he's part of this organization called the Right Arm. They have people in every crappy city and town left on this planet and even some people inside W.I.C.K.E.D believe it or not which is who they ultimately want to stop. But W.I.C.K.E.D is a huge organization and they don't have resources to take down something so powerful."

"Yeah we've heard of them." Aris said. "How the hell did you get involved in this?"

"Okay Aris, shut up first off and second, I was getting to that." Aris shook his head as Gally continued. "Like I said, they have spies in W.I.C.K.E.D. They reached out to me, told me if I acted crazy enough that W.I.C.K.E.D would loose interest in me and I'd get sent somewhere else. And that's exactly what happened. The Right Arm then attacked my transport and took me here. I knew that you lot were coming because someone sent out a message about it on the Netblock. I assumed that was you guys."

"What's a Netblock?" Ashoka asked. Gally sighed and she blushed.

"So it wasn't you but that's not the point. The Right Arm has been on the lookout for you all it was just a matter of time before you landed somewhere."

"And you brought us here to talk about taking down W.I.C.K.E.D then?" Minho demanded.

"Yes, that's the gist of it but we've got two big problems."

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