Chapter one

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I walked into the small club, like I did every night. Being a bartender of course, not a party animal. When I tell people I'm a bartender, they look shocked. I mean I'm pretty shy, and extremely innocent.

A lot of the bartenders I work with like to flirt with the customers, it helps their tip a little. People say that they come to me because I'm innocent, and that's 'attractive'.

"Hey sweetheart." A druken man said, more like slurred to me.

"Hi how can I help you?" I asked trying to be polite as I could be.

"Take a shot of vodka with me." He drunkly ordered.

"Okay." I said slowly.

I poured the alcohol into two shot glasses. He downed his, I put all of mine in my mouth, and put a almost empty beer bottle to my lips, spitting the liquid into the bottle. Making it seem as if I needed something to chase it down. I did this with every person who wanted to take a drink with me, I couldn't give people correct orders if I was stumbling around drunk.

"Thank doll. I'll see you later." He attempted to wink, but just ending up blinking.

"Okay. Have fun but please don't pass out here." I muttered, not wanting to have to deal with the man at three o'clock in the morning, closing time.

"Hey Lily." Ellie greeted, walking behind the counter to start her shift.

"Hi Ellie." I smiled at her, no one sitting at the bar ordering at the moment giving us a minute of free time.

"When's your shift end?" I asked her, it being eleven o'clock, and I still had four hours of work left.

"I get off at two." She replied, mindlessly tying a little apron around her waist, our uniforms.

"Lucky." I mumbled under my breath.

"Hey there handsome. Can I get you something?" Ellie asked the boy approaching the bar, flirting like she always does.

"Just a beer." He replied.

She gave him his beer, and he walked away. We went back to talking about nothing particular. Minutes turned into hours and soon enough it was two.

"Bye Lil." Ellie waved at me, I reciprocated the wave and went back to my job.

Not many people were left in the club for the last hour of it being open. I start to clean up the counter at half past two, ready to leave and get some sleep. One of my other friends Matt, who is also a bartender and was working the same shift as me, walked over to me.

"Hey Lily." He giggled.

"Are you drunk?" I gasped, looking at the redness in his eyes.

"Maybe a little, and I'm high." He whispered and giggled again.

"Jesus!" I exclaimed, who knows what he gave the customers.

It was now three o'clock and it was time to get people to leave, and let the next shift of employees to come and clean up.

"Alright guys it three. Time to go home." I said politely to the small crowd that was still here.

"Can I take you with me?" One tried to flirt with me.

"No." I said bluntly.

"Oh come on babe don't be like that." He said grabbing my waist.

The security guard quickly came over and made him leave. I thanked him and went on with getting the rest of the crowd out. Matt was somewhat sobered up.

A blonde with a lip ring, and blue eyes was walking out when he turned around and looked at me and winked. I felt my cheeks heat up, he chuckled and exited the club.

"Who's the blonde?" I asked Matt.

"Who?" He asked, needing more of a description.

"Blonde, tall, lip ring, blue eyes, muscular." I listed off the traits of the unknown man.

"Oh that's the street fighter." My friend sighed.

My eyes widened, that was surely not was I expecting Matt to say.


I reach my house at four am. I reach my front door, and take out my keys to unlock my door. I come to see it's already unlocked, I distinctly remember locking the door before I left.

Maybe it just slipped my mind. I shrugged off my light jacket, hanging it by the door. I took off my black converse sitting them by my other line of shoes by the door.

I walk up the stairs and into the bathroom. I wash off all my makeup that I wear to work. My hazel eyes still look bright in the dim light. I brush out my blonde waves over my one shoulder. I brush my teeth before going into my bedroom to change into my pajamas.

I open the door to my bedroom, walking in, the blue walls making the room seem even darker at night than usual. I walk over to my closet, taking a t-shirt, and pair of shorts. I get dressed, quickly, wanting nothing more than to just hop into bed with my skinny jeans and work shirt on and go to bed.

I pull down the duvet and slip into bed. Pulling the duvet back up, I roll onto my side. I close my eyes hearing the sound of thunder rumbling outside. I smiled at the thought of rain, we needed rain more than anything in my town.

I slowly allow sleep to take over me, but not before thinking of the street fighter, and how I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I would see him again. Yet I had the urge to not have to ever see him again, but at the same time he was so intriguing.

(hey guys! So new story. Hope you like it, I know this chapter sucks I'm sorry. Yes this story is going to be sexual, just a warning! I love you! Vote, read, comment, and share! Follow me on twitter @5secsofsmiles -Shelby)

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