Chapter seventeen

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(((Basically if I don't put the little POV things it's Lily's POV)))

I got into Luke's car, figuring I'd just come back for mine later on.

"How ya feeling?" I asked him, I felt like I should because he was just in a fight.

"Okay, he got one good punch to my lip though and I can feel the swelling rise." He shrugged, turning down a road.

"Aren't we going straight home?" I asked, confused.

"No a little celebratory dinner for just the two of us." He announced, looking over at me with a smile on his face.

"Okay, but nothing too fancy I mean look at how I'm dressed." I told him, grimacing at my outfit.

"You look amazing as always, and it's a surprise and it's certainly no where you've been before. I can promise you that." He promised, stopping at a trail for the woods.

"We are going into the woods? I'm not hunting for food, I can tell you that." I denied, making him laugh.

"No we are not hunting for food, because well neither of us are skilled enough for that shit." He chuckled, shrugging lightly.

"Ain't that the truth." I laughed, while slipping his hand in mine and walked up the trail.

"So why are we going up here again?" I asked again.

"To eat, I already said we were going for some food." He replied, leading me through the trail and turning down a hill.

"Yay down hill, finally!" I cheered happily.

He laughed, once again, and we reached the bottom of the hill to find a lake. The lake had a waterfall flowing into it, making it even more beautiful than it was.

"Wow." I breathed, looking at the place in awe.

"I know." He grinned, pulling me over to a blanket with food from McDonald's sitting on it.

"McDonald's!!" I screamed, like a five year old, because let's face it that's how I am, I'm a five year old.

"You're so adorable." He muttered, walking behind me, because me being the five year old I am, I ran at the food.

"When did you do this?" I asked, ignoring his comment.

"Calum didn't want to go to the fight, 'a waste of five minutes' he said, so he came up here and arranged this for me." He shrugged, acting as if it was no big deal.

"Aw you're the best boyfriend." I blushed, as I opened the bags of food.

"I know." He shrugged, once again.

He had a small smirk on his face, and I had to wipe it off his face by being an immature little shit that I am, I pushed him in the lake, he pulled me in with him which I was not expecting.

A high pitch squeal rose from my lovely vocal cords, as I tumbled into the water. I opened my eyes, since it was fresh water and it didn't burn my fucking eyes, and saw he had his eyes open too.

He pulled me over to him and kissed me underwater, which is a hell of a lot harder than you'd think.

I pulled away first, not having enough air in my lungs to continue to be underwater, so I exploded out of the water like a fucking active volcano.

I started to dramatically hyperventilate, and Luke came up seconds after myself. He looked surprised, and then frowned at me.

"That's not funny, I know you're faking." He frowned, his tone turning serious.

"Sorry, I was just kidding." I apologized, suddenly feeling really bad.

"Don't do that kind of stuff, I don't like to think of a world without you." Luke mumbled, I guess I wasn't supposed to understand what he was saying.

"I wouldn't want to be apart from you." I whispered, my voice almost inaudible.

I knew I felt very, very strong feelings for Luke. Like the way when we kissed, I felt a jolt of electricity and adrenaline run through my body. Or the way when I was just around him I was just automatically happier, and I couldn't get the butterflies out of my stomach.

Was this what love feels like?

I don't know, do I love Luke, I mean I think I do. I think I would know though, maybe I'm just in denial.

"Lily? Did you hear me?" Luke asked, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Oh what's up?" I asked, coming out of my daze.

"What were you thinking about gorgeous?" He asked, tilting his head a little.

"Just us." I shrugged, walking over to the blanket and opening the hamburger wrapper.

"What about us?" He asked yet another question.

"Just us in general, I don't know." I shrugged, taking a bite of my hamburger, more like shoving half the hamburger in my mouth. Yeah that sounds accurate.

"So what's up with the tent?" I asked, quickly changing the subject before something came out that I didn't want to.

"Well we are staying here over night, and I thought we'd look at the stars, and tell scary stories and s'mores. Maybe cuddle and sex?" He mumbled the last part.

"You're such a hopeless romantic." I smiled at him.

"Only for you."

(this was so cute, at least I thought it was

Sex scene next chapter possibly?!?

Okay yeah, school started today #ew

Those cartoons are something that I made of Lily and Luke aw

Love you!



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