Chapter fifteen

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"I love the park, it was my favorite place to come as a kid." I smiled at memory of me learning to ride a bike around the small park.

"Lily, I have something to tell you." Luke said seriously as we sat on the park bench.

"It must be serious, you called me Lily." I said, getting nervous, I could feel a knot in my stomach growing by the second.

"Yeah, it's pretty serious." He said, biting on his lip ring a little.

"What is it? You're making me nervous." I spoke truthfully, as I looked down at the chain around my neck and played with the ring on it.

Luke smiled as he saw the ring on the chain around my neck, where I've never taken it off of.

"I have a fight this weekend, I want you to be there. There is a possibility I could get hurt, but I'm fighting him for a good reason." He told me, looking me in the eyes.

I gulped as I let the words sink in, I could feel myself start to get worried about Luke. This weekend was only two days away, it's Thursday.

"May I ask why you're fighting him?" I said, trying to be calm.

"He almost killed Ashton's girlfriend, Jordan. She was at a club with us, she was a little tipsy, he tried to take advantage of her. She fought back, hit him." He started, breathing in deeply, "He put a gun to her head, almost fucking killed her." He said, his voice sounding frustrated.

"Okay, that's a good enough reason." I nodded, a little shocked, that's not what I was expecting.

"Yeah, but we aren't letting her near the gym, we don't trust Brian." He said, and that made me think of when I first met his friends, Michael said something about a Brian.

"Who's Brian? I've heard the name before." I said slowly.

"How've you heard the name?" He asked seriously, his jaw tightening.

"I think your friend Michael said his name, it's kind of fuzzy but I think that's what he said." I said, shrugging lightly.

"Michael said his name? He knows I hate the guy, what the fuck? Why would he say his name to my girl." He raged, to say he was pissed was a very accurate adjective to use.

"Please calm down." I said, my voice a little shaky.

I was a little scared of Luke, I've never seen him get mad before, I didn't know what to expect.

"Sorry, I just fucking hate that guy." He said, a little more calm.

"I know, but there are kids around that don't need to hear that language." I scolded quietly, trying to hold in my laughter.

"Oh crap, I forgot about that." He said quickly, scanning his surrounding to see if there is any kinds in ear shot.

"Don't say crap either, four year olds don't say that word." I laugh, and he just sticks his tongue out at me.

"Don't stick your tongue out at me loser!" I yell laughing.

"Psh you love it." He says, kissing me on the cheek.

"Oh yeah, totally." Sarcasm dripping from my words, and he pouts at my tone.

"Oh shh." I slap him on the chest playfully, kissing him slowly.

His lips moved against mine, his tongue going across my bottom lips asking for entrance, which I denied. I pulled away, and he pouted once again.

"Why not?" He asked.

"We are at the park where there's a bunch of kids, they don't need to see us making out on a park bench." I explain, giggling.

A couple of little girls had already caught us kissing and were giggling at the sight of it.

"What're you giggling at?" Luke asked, smiling down at them.

The one shrugged, acting innocent as ever.

"Were you laughing because I was kissing her?" He asked, gesturing towards me.

They began giggling again.

He pulled me towards him a little and began sprinkling kisses all over my face. I began to giggle like the little girls, and pushed him off of me.

"Stop it weirdo!" I laughed, placing a kiss on his cheek.

The little girls ran off towards playground and played on the swings whispering and giggling with each other.

"I'm hungry!" I whined, as we got up from the bench and started to walk into town.

"Let's stop and get something to eat then." He said, stating the obvious.

"Let's get subs, I'm in the mood for subs." I nodded, thinking of getting a meatball sub from the pizza and sub place down the street.

"Okay, sounds good to me." He nodded.

He opens the door to the shop for me, and I go in and find a table while he orders for us.

"They said they'll bring it over when it's ready." He said sitting across from me.

"Okay, good I'm starving." I exaggerated, but that's how I felt.

"I want you at the fight, because you push me, and I don't want him to even think about coming after you. If he does he will be sleeping in a graveyard." Luke threatens.

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