Chapter Twenty-seven

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(Hey look dat mee ^^)

I groaned as sunlight poured through the window, waking me from my peaceful sleep.

Luke's arm was loosely draped over my waist, pulling me into his chest.

"Stop moving, I'm trying to sleep." Luke whispered, his voice raspy due to him just waking up.

"Sorry." I whispered back, suddenly my eyes got wide at the smell of breakfast being cooked in the kitchen downstairs.

"I'm kidding babe." He whispered back, finally opening his eyes.

"I smell food." I grinned, he laughed at my always there appetite, and stood up from bed.

"I'm gonna go take a quick shower, you can go downstairs with my mum for a little bit if you want." He offered, grabbing some clothes out of the dresser across from the bed.

"Okay, sounds good to me." I yawned, standing from the bed.

I looked down to see Luke's favorite Blink-182 shirt was adorning my body and my underwear was still on but nothing else.

"Luke did you change my clothes for me?" I asked, he was shirtless and this was the shirt he had on yesterday so it was pretty obvious he must have.

I silently inhaled my favorite smell, a mixture of Luke's cologne and just the smell of Luke.

"Yeah, you looked really uncomfortable in leggings and a sweater, so I put you in my shirt." He smiled sheepishly, his cheeks tinting a light pink in embarrassment.

"Well that's adorable." I commented, poking his stomach making him lean over as he giggled.

He's so ticklish.

"Can I borrow a pair of your sweatpants or something? I don't feel like getting dressed, unless you want me to change so your mother won't see, I understand-" I rambled, getting cutoff by Luke's quiet giggling.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You're so cute." Was all he said before going over to the same dresser, and opening another drawer and throwing me a pair of sleep pants with penguins on them.

"Cute." I commented, sliding them up my legs.

"Shut up." He mumbled, his cheeks turning pink again.

"Oh my god, these are weirdly soft." I yelled, Luke had a small smile on his face.

"What?" I asked, for what seemed the like the millionth time this morning.

"Nothing, I just love you." Was all he said, before walking out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom.


"Whoa." I breathed out looking at the different foods lines on the kitchen island, three plates on the island as well.

Two sat next to each other, mine and Luke's I assume. Liz sat on the other side.

"Sleep well, dear?" She asked, looking over her shoulder as she flipped a couple of pancakes in a pan.

"Yes, thank you for allowing us to stay here on such short notice." I smile, stealing a piece of cantaloupe and popping it into my mouth.

"Short notice? Luke and I have had this planned this for weeks now." She replied, seeming a little confused.

"Well I didn't know we were coming here until yesterday." I chuckled quietly.

"That's just like Luke, he loves to surprise people. He always has." She shrugs.

"Surprises are the best, that's why!" Luke chimed in, walking into the kitchen, sitting beside me at the island, putting his hand on my thigh.

"Oh my god." I muttered, causing Liz laugh quietly.

"What?" Luke pouted, taking a piece of toast, biting into it.

"Nothing, I just love you." I said, taking his words from before.

"I know." Luke shrugged, kissing my cheek.

"Shut up and eat your breakfast." I scoffed, stuffing a piece of bacon in his face.

"Not gonna argue with that." He mumbled between his chewing.

"So what're we doing today?" I asked, stabbing a piece of my pancakes with my fork and placed them in my mouth.

"Well, I thought maybe we could go mini-golfing and then maybe to the movies? I don't know, I mean only if you want to." He rambled, sounding nervous.

"Sounds good to me." I shrugged, smiling.

"Okay, we'll leave at eleven?" He asked.

"Sure, just let me shower and get dressed. I'll be ready in about twenty minutes." I told him.

"Okay, babe. Sounds good, I'm happy I got to go home finally." He smiled, kissing me gently, then allowing me to go upstairs and get ready for a our little date.

(Sorry for the wait and it's shorter than usual

I love you have a good day!



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