Epilogue- part two

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"Luke, oh my god, Luke!" I yelled, tears beginning to form in the corners of my eyes.

I heard him come running from down the hall, we still lived in my house, after he sold his horribly empty apartment.

"What? What is it?" He asked, a little out of breath by the way he sprinted.

"I'm pregnant!"

"That's not even possible." He breathed, but a smile took over his face.

The doctor told me I would never be able to have children, so we had adopted a little American girl named Alyssa.

She had the most adorable accent, our little family all had three different accents, but it was unique and I liked it.

"I know." I cried, he pulled my into a hug, picking me up gently.

He twirled me around, I squealed quite loudly, which apparently woke Alyssa up from her nap, making her cry quite loudly.

"I got her, you just stay here." He told me, sitting me back down as he ran down the hall.

*9 short months later*

"Lukey, I really want some pickles with chocolate chips on top." I whined, knowing there was no pickles nor chocolate chips in the house.

"Okay, I'll run to the store. You look gorgeous, babe. I love you."

"I love you more."

About five minutes after he left, I went into labor. I was currently home alone because Alyssa was at Liz's for the month, exploring Australia at five years old.

I'll get to the hospital somehow, someway.

*10 years later*

"Robert Andrew!" Luke yelled up the stairs, Michael and Tori were over with their kids.

They were both younger than our kids, but not by much.

Alexandria was eleven, three years younger than Alyssa, and Michael Jr. was nine, a year younger than Robert.

"What dad?" His blonde hair came into view as Luke and I both were standing at the bottom of the stairs.

He had gotten most of his traits from Luke, except right now he was pretty short like me.

Which he enjoyed to yell at me for a lot, like sorry bud. I don't wanna be short either.

"Get your sister, Michael, and Alex, tell 'em it's time for dinner." Luke yelled back, and Robbie nodded in response.

"So what're we having for dinner?" Michael Jr. asked, noticing nothing was placed on the table quite yet.

Michael and I shared a devilish grin, knowing that we'd have to fight back the kids just to get our usual four slices, "Pizza." I said, then quickly running to the kitchen to grab a whole pizza for Luke and I to share, we had gotten six pizzas, we have enough.

"Thank you for the pizza, Aunt Lily." Alex and Mikey Jr. said together, making them look at each other and scrunch up their noses.

"Hey what about me?" Luke questioned, making me laugh.

"You too, Uncle Luke." Alex said, nodding.

The kids continued to talk about god knows what, Tori and Michael seemed to be in deep conversation about something, so Luke and I decided to have a little conversation of our own.

"Hey! Don't steal my pepperoni!" Luke scolded, slapping my hand away from his pizza slice, as I popped a pepperoni into my mouth.

"Sorry babe." I smiked, kissing his cheek.

"Your kisses still make my stomach go wild, and my heart race."

"Well the same goes to you Lucas." I smile.

"I love you Lily Elizabeth Hemmings."

"I love you more Luke Robert Hemmings."

(Okay wow


For the last time I love you



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