Chapter five

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"Hello gorgeous." I heard the familiar voice, say to me through the phone.

"Hi Luke." I said, going over to grab a sweatshirt to put on, considering my house was freezing.

"I'm out front, unlock the door." I rolled my eyes, but obeyed an went to unlock the door.

I hung up the phone as I opened the door revealing a very casual looking Luke. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, leaving Luke to follow behind me, closing the door behind him. He came and sat beside me, resting his hand on my knee. I batted his hand away, and turned on a rerun of an old tv show.

"Why're you being such a challenge?" He wondered.

"Because I'm not just gonna be some girl you sleep with, then throw to the side." I told him, rolling my eyes.

"I couldn't see myself doing that to you." He muttered, something I probably wasn't supposed to hear him say.

"Ugh nothing is on." I complained, flipping channels.

He grabbed the remote out of my hands, and flipped to a channel. A horror movie I was quite fond of, came into view on the screen.

"I love this movie." I said excitedly.

"So do I." He smiled.

I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked him, yelling over my shoulder.

"Can I just have some water?" He yelled back.

I walked out into the living room, with two bottles of water, answering his question. His eyes were trained on the program in front of him, staring intently as people were chopped into many pieces.

I handed him the water bottle, which he quickly thanked me for.

"I forgot to talk about what I came here for." He started, taking a swig from the bottle.

"We are going out tonight." He added, picking at his fingernails, acting as if he had no interest in the topic.

"Oh, where?" I asked, there really was no point in trying to object that we were going out.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." He looked up, that damn smirk on his face, and winked at me.

"Well how should I dress?" I asked, a little anxious.

"If I were you, I'd wear a dress and I'm not being cheeky." He said, chuckling lightly.

"Okay." I huffed, flopping down onto the couch, and folding my legs under me.

Luke must thought it was time to go, he came over and stood in front of me for a second. He pulled me to my feet, and kissed me gently on the jaw. He then glanced at my neck, where he had left the mark only the night before.

He traced the circle with his fingertip lightly, his fingers were rough and calloused.

"Bye gorgeous." He said, shot me a wink, and then left.


Later that day I got a text from Luke, he told me he would pick me up around eight, and not to forget to wear a dress.

I had an hour to get ready, which was probably plenty of time. I got a semi quick shower, and dried up my hair, curling the ends into loose curls.

I walked into my bedroom, only wearing a towel. I jumped as I saw Luke sitting on my bed.

"Luke what the hell?!" I yelled, grabbing my clothes from my closet.

"Seems like I got here just in time." He smirked.

"Disgusting." I muttered, padding my way back into bathroom, shutting the door and locking it behind me.

I heard the doorknob move around, Luke attempting to get in. I heard his deep chuckle, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm done calm yourself!" I yelled, as I walked out of the bathroom.

"You look stunning." He said, eyes going wide.

I only had on a strapless white high-low dress on, the part that covered my chest being decorated in black sequins. I placed my black heels onto my feet, and I held my black clutch in my hand.

"Ready?" I asked, ignoring his compliment.

"Let's go gorgeous." He said, taking my free hand into his gigantic one.

He opened the door for me, and closed it behind me. He walked to his side and got in. I buckled my seat belt, him mirroring my actions. He put the key into the ignition, and brought the engine to life.

He placed his hand on my knee, keeping one hand on the wheel as we buzzed past traffic. We were back where we were the nigh before, the docks.

"Uh..?" I trailed off, confused.

"Just follow me." He said, opening the door for me, grabbing my hand.

I didn't reply, I just nodded, even though his back was to me. We walked down the pier, and nervous was an understatement.

I felt my heart rate increase, the closer we got to the water. We stepped onto a boat, and went into the room where there were multiple couples sitting and eating. The boat was large, but that didn't stop from my throat going dry, or my palms sweating.

We sat down in a booth, the seats were black leather. He sat across from me. We were handed menus by an older man. Luke ordered pasta for the both of us, which I was silently thankful for, my throat being so dry constricting me from speaking.

As the waiter brought us a glass of water, mine was instantly only half full. It made my throat less dry, allowing me to speak.

"So what do you think?" Luke asked, his eyes looked hopeful and he didn't have that stupid smirk on his face.

"It's amazing." I forced the words out.

"Really? You seem nervous." He said, his tone turning worried.

"No I'm fine, really." I said, trying to make sure my voice didn't waiver and start to shake.

"Please tell me what's bothering you." He pleaded, sounding genuinely concerned.

"It's nothing really." I said, sounding surprisingly convincing.

"Do you trust me?" He asked randomly, making me think.

Should I trust him? I mean he never has done anything to make me think he wasn't trustworthy, but I don't know.

"I guess." I said, slightly unsure.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said, a small smile on his lips. "Now trust me enough to tell me what's wrong." He pleaded, a little more like a demand.

"I'm just afraid of water." I told him, being vague.

"Oh." He said softly.

"I knew this was a bad idea." He gushed.

"No I like it in here, it makes me think that we are on land. It's like my own little illusion." I told him, elaborating a little.

"That was deep." He complimented, as he took a forkful of pasta and placed it past his lips.

"The food is really good." I said, swallowing the bit of pasta that was in my mouth.

"Yeah, I love it here." He said, nodding in agreement.

"I understand why." I said.

He paid for our dinner, and took my hand once again.

He walked me out onto the deck, and I felt myself start to get anxious again.

"Please trust me that I won't let anything hurt you." He pleaded, his eyes showing sincerity.

I nodded, that was the first time I put all of my trust into Luke.

(that was cute, I'm sorry I really like this chapter. Love ya! -Shelby)

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