Chapter two

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I wake up to the pitter patter of rain hitting my bedroom window. I opened my eyes, my eyes taking a moment to adjust to the sudden light erupting from the sky. It was eleven o'clock and I had the sudden urge to eat something.

I walked down the steps, into my kitchen. I pour some orange juice into a small glass, and made myself a bowl of cereal. I made my way back into the small tv room. I say down on the couch and turned on the small flat screen hanging on the wall. Some movie I had already missed half of, was playing. I decided to leave it on, more for like background noise.

After I finished my breakfast I went back into the kitchen and put the dirty dishes into the sink, to be cleaned later. I walked back up the steps to get a shower. I quickly got undressed and stepped into the warm water. The warm water relaxing me the longer I stood under it.

After I washed my hair, and body. I turned off the water and placed a towel around my body. I allowed my hair to air dry, letting it go to it's natural waves. I brushed my teeth, ridding my mouth of the horrible combination of orange juice and cereal.

I quickly pulled on a pair of skinny jeans, and a loose tank top. I then plaited my hair over my one shoulder. The blonde locks coming down to my lower ribs. I applied my usual makeup- eye liner, eye shadow and mascara- in a record time of ten minutes. I looked presentable, which was enough for me. I don't try to be gorgeous in completely fine with how I am. Plain. I'm average.

I walk back into my room to read, one of my favorite book, Looking For Alaska. I've read this book at least twenty times. The book was worn, the spine of the book made me cringe. I loved this book so much, yet I hated seeing it in this condition.

After getting to the part of the prank, with Maxx with two x's, I closed the book. It was now six in the evening, and I had to work tonight at nine. It had been a week since my first encounter with 'the streetfighter' and he has came back to the club every night.

He did the same thing every night, he didn't ask for a drink, waited to closing time, and winked at me then left. He hadn't spoken one word to me, yet he had the ability to make me blush. Making me blush isn't a challenge, it only happens when people show me affection or attention, and he was flirting with me. He would chuckle as my face turned a bright pink, and then he would leave.

I learned about his reputation from Ellie, she said he had a very violent past. Which didn't come as a shock, for gods sake people called him streetfighter. I didn't close tonight, but I had a feeling that me getting off earlier would give him a reason to try and speak to me. He scared me, not so much where I'd never go near him, I just don't want to be alone with him.

I have a hour until I have to get ready for work. I lay back on my bed and fall asleep, taking a very much needed nap.


"Hey Lil!" Ellie greeted me, as I walked into the club.

"Hi Ellie." I smiled, shrugging off my light jacket.

Customers came and left, soon enough it was the end of my shift. It was now two, and I was ready to go home. That's until streetfighter came over to me, right as I clocked out.

"Hi gorgeous." I blushed, at his little nickname.

"Uh hi." I said shyly, he chuckled at my shyness.

"Come with me." He said putting a hand on the small of my back leading me to the dance floor.

"Uh what are we doing?" I said shocked at how he was kind of demanding.

"Dancing." He said as he pressed my back against his chest.

I was shocked, no one had ever did this to me before.

"No need to be shy, gorgeous." He whispered into my ear.

I gulped, I could feel how nervous I was as my palms started to sweat.

"You're so innocent." He once again whispered into my ear, sending a chill through my body as his hot breath hit my ear.

The song seemed to last an eternity, but it soon came to an end. I felt my body relax a little, as he took a step away from me.

"You never told me your name." I pointed out, a burst of confidence running through me.

"I know." He winked at me, just like previous times.

I couldn't help but blush, I hate how I blush so easily. He was extremely mysterious, but at the same time intimidating.

"What's your name?" He questioned.

"Lily." I said quietly.

"Cute." He commented, smirking at me.

I couldn't tell if he was making fun of me, or if he actually thought my name was cute. Either way, his comment only made my face heat even worse.

He chuckled at my reaction.

"Gorgeous, give me your phone." He softly demanded.

Too afraid to defy him right now, and too stunned to do anything else, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him.

He typed on my phone, sending himself a text, so he now had my number. It was closing time now, and I wanted to go home.

He turned to exit, when suddenly he stopped at the door, and turned to me.

"Oh by the way my names Luke." He winked, and walked out.

Luke's a badass and Lily is quiet. Enjoy reading because I have some amazing ideas coming soon. Love you! -Shelby

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