Chapter nineteen

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"Luke I swear to god!" I yelled, chasing him around the house laughing as I threw pillows at him.

"Swearing isn't a very nice thing to do." He yells over his shoulder, dodging the pillows as he continues to run around my house.

"Shut up Hemmings!" I yell back, stopping in the kitchen and sitting down, needing to catch my breath.

I grab a water out of the fridge and unscrew the cap before taking a sip.

"I love you." Luke whispers in my ear, making me jump because he approached me from behind and snaked his hands around my waist.

"I love you more." I whisper back, after swallowing the water.

"Impossible." He responds, putting his hand over his heart like he's offended I'd say such a thing.

"No it's not." I shake my head, turning to face him and pull him down so we are eye level, as we rub noses.

"We really are a disgustingly adorable couple." Luke comments, sitting down on the stool next to me.

"I know." I shrug, and jump as I feel my phone start to vibrate in my pocket.

I grab it out of my pocket and look down at my screen to see the caller i.d.

"What the hell?" I mutter, and answer the phone, placing it against my ear.

"Hi mum?" I answer, it sounding like a question.

Luke's face twisted in confusion, and I gave him a look saying 'I'll explain later.'

He nodded, and put his hand in my free one.

"Hi sweetie, how're you?" She asked, her voice that fake and judging manner like it always was.

"Mum, why're you calling?" I ask, not even getting into her little small talk conversation that failed.

"Polite as always I see." She says, and I can almost see her little red lipstick stained smirk.

"Bitch as I always I see." I counter, mocking her.

I hear her exhale deeply, she could've been quiet, but something tells me she wanted me to hear her.

"Seriously, why'd you call me?" I asked, feeling frustrated that she wouldn't answer me.

"I thought you'd like to know that your father and I are getting separated." She said, like she's gossiping at her god damn country club she joined after moving to New York.

Fucking snob.

"Are you fucking serious?" I asked, hoping this was some type of prank.

"Don't use that language with me, young lady." She scolds, talking to me like I'm still that scared ten year old.

"Don't act like you can just tell me what to do anymore mother, I'm an adult. Maybe you should start acting like my mother instead of some dictator." I shot back.

"Lily! I'm coming to visit, I'll be there in two days." She yells angrily, before hanging up on me.

"Who the hell yells that, and then hangs up?" I wonder aloud, while locking my phone and putting it in my pocket.

"What happened, babe?" Luke asked, sounding concerned.

"My mum is a bitch!" I snap, and then quickly apologize for snapping.

"It's okay, just take a deep breath and explain to me what happened." He soothed, pulling me to his chest and tracing small, and calm circles on my back.

"So her and my dad are apparently getting a divorce. I don't know why they waited till now, and she starts acting like the bitchy snob she is, and boom! Next thing I know, she's inviting herself over and will be here in two days." I explain quickly, letting out a sigh, feeling exhausted.

"It's okay, I'll be here the whole time, I'd never let anything or anyone hurt you." He tells me, his face buried in the top of my hair and places a kiss on my forehead as he leans back a little to look at my face.

"I'm so exhausted, fighting with your mother takes a lot out of you." I comment, looking up at him.

A small smile forms on his lips, and I get on my tip toes and kiss him slowly, but pull away before it could get too heated.

"Can we watch a movie before bed?" I ask, already trying to think of a good movie to watch.

"Sure, what do you wanna watch gorgeous?" He asks, lacing our fingers together and walking towards the living room and sits down on the couch, leaving me to rummage through the DVDs.

I look through the horror movies I have, and find a perfect classic. John Carpenter's: Halloween.

I start the movie and make my way to the couch with a blanket, and snuggle up to Luke.

"You know we will make it through your moms visit, right?" He tries to assure me.

"What makes you so sure?" I ask, the previews still going through the screen.

"Because I love you."

(Hi this is cute I hope

And also her momma need to back the fuck up

I love you losers, how have y'all been?


Thanks for 3.3K you da best



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