Chapter twenty-four

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(((Sorry I've had writers block for a million years, also I don't know how this actually works so I'm making it up as I go along. Don't yell at me if it makes no sense)))

*one week later*

So, Luke was freed because it was classified as self defense. Also, they said since he was protecting me he just had to be on parol, I don't really understand what parol is but I'll go with it.

"Luke, can we go out tonight? I just really need to clear my head for the night." I asked, we have hit a little bit of a rough patch.

I still love Luke, more than I'd ever love anyone. It's just now I just see him as something I've never seen him as, a monster.

I'm not fearing for my life because of it, I know he'd never hurt me, it's just hard to know that the person I fell in love with had to take a life away from someone, and I feel like I'm at fault.

"Sure babe, where do you wanna go?" I could tell he was trying hard to get back to normal, but it's been hard for both of us.

"There's that new art gallery downtown that just opened, we could check it out and go get some dinner?" I suggested, after I remembered reading about it in the paper.

"Or we could have a picnic in the park that's right next to it after the gallery. I mean it'll be late enough that it'll start getting dark, and we could look at the stars." Such a hopeless romantic.

"Sounds good." I grinned, biting down on my lower lip.

"Great, can we swing by my apartment, all of my dress clothes are still there?" He mentioned.

"I was wondering if you were just homeless before you met me or not, I've never even heard of your apartment until now." I teased, walking around the kitchen as I searched for something to snack on.

"I was totally homeless, I was just looking for somewhere to stay so I found this hot girls house, and I guess I kind of fell for the weirdo." He joked back, making me shake my head and laugh.

"I need to get ready, I'll eat later." I shrugged, walking out of the kitchen and walked up the stairs and into my room to grab clothes to change into after my shower.

"Okay." He replied quietly, probably realizing he really didn't need to reply.

I shut and locked the door behind me, just out of habit I guess. After stripping off my clothes, and turned on the water to where it was an acceptable temperature, I got in and began to wash my hair.

After washing and rinsing my hair, washing my body and shaving I shut off the water. I peek around the shower curtain but realized that there was no towel in my reach.

"Luke!" I yelled, hoping he'd come to rescue yet again.

I heard him walking up the steps, and he was in front of the door.

"Yeah babe?" He replied.

"I can't get to a towel." I whined.

He jiggled the door handle, and I remembered I locked it. God dammit.

"Well I can't get in. So you're gonna have to figure this one out yourself." He sighed.

"Ugh, okay." I groaned, as he walked away.

I somehow used the shower curtain as a semi towel until I got to the closet that had the towels in it, yes I ripped down my shower curtain don't judge me, you also would've done it.

"Cold, cold, cold." I repeated to myself as I tiptoed across the freezing tile floor.

I unlocked the door first, in case of an emergency. I was leaning against the door as I searching through the closet for a towel.

"Need any help?" Luke asked, sounding concerned.

"Uh..." I trailed off, trying to decide if I should get out the purple towels or the orange one. I went with orange.

"Lily." Luke said again, a serious tone to his voice.

"Hmmm?" I hummed in response, as I sat out the towels.

My feet were warm enough now, so I was fine.

"Are you okay?" He questioned.

I mumbled a quick 'yeah', which apparently he didn't hear.

The door swings out so like out towards the hallway, so when he opened it I fell flat on the floor, still wrapped in the shower curtain.

"I guess the only thing off here is your balance."

(Shitty chapter

The actual date thing is next chapter this was such a filler im sorry.

I love you all

Go check out my other stories.



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