Chapter eight

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"We have some plans today." Luke announced, as I finished pulling my hair into a ponytail.

"And what are they?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Well I have to train today, and I thought you might like to come as a form of... motivation for me." He explained, not making eye contact with me.

He brought his lip ring between his teeth, playing with it nervously. I smiled at the thought of me being there and helping Luke. I had slowly developed feelings for Luke, and it was kind of weird how he went from intimidating and cocky, to sweet and caring.

"I'd love to." I told him, and his head shot up, eyes wide.

"Really?" He asked, his voice going higher involuntarily.

"Yeah, when do we leave?" I asked, looking at his shocked expression.

He quickly recovered, and searched around his pockets for his phone. He typed in something, then locked it again, and put it in his front pocket of his basketball shorts.

"In a half hour." He told me, and now it was my turn for my eyes to go wide.

"Geez, thanks for the heads up!" I yell sarcastically over my shoulder as I had already started to feverishly climb the stairs and run into the bathroom.

I quickly undressed and got into the semi-warm water, and quickly washed my hair, and body. After rinsing as fast as possible, not giving myself anytime really for the water to get to the appropriate temperature, I finally got out. I wrapped a towel securely around my body, and I didn't have time to worry about my hair towel.

My wet hair clung to the back of my neck, and my back. I pulled it into a bun, and slipped on my own pair of basketball shorts, along with a cutout.

"Okay I'm ready." I announced, slipping on my converse.

"You look cute with no make up on." He complimented, smiling at me.

"Thanks." I muttered, my cheeks burning from the heat going through them.

He slipped his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers together. I looked down at our connected hands, smiling at them. Te smallest touch from Luke, caused this energy to run through me, even from the very beginning.

"Here you go gorgeous." He opened my car door for me, allowing me to slip in, but not before he felt the need to squeeze my bum.

"Hey!" I squealed, giggling.

"Oh sorry, just trying to help you in." He explained, innocently.

"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes, the smile still present on my face.

He shot me a wink, shutting the door behind me. He jogged around the front of the car, and got in. He quickly started the car, allowing it to roar to life.

We drove about twenty or twenty-five minutes away. We pulled into, what looks like on the outside, an
abandoned gym.

"This is your gym?" I asked, looking up the building.

"Yeah, trust me it's a lot nicer on the inside." He promised, taking my hand once again.

"Whatever you say Hemmo." I laughed.

He looked down at me, a smile on his face, you could clearly see the indents on the sides of his mouth.

"Let's go." He pulled me across the parking lot, and into the double doors leading into the gym.

He of course was right about it being a lot better on the inside. It seemed to have been newly renovated. Clean white walls, posters and murals of famous fighter hung on the wall. A pile of mats sat against a wall, a place where people would sit and take a break.

A small water cooler was sitting in the corner, a group of guys huddled around it.

"Ash, I'm ready to start." Luke said, towards the group by the cooler.

"Okay, let's get started then." A boy with blonde curly hair, said walking over to us.

Luke let go of my hand, and pulled his shirt over his head. My eyes going immediately to his toned abdomen.

"I'll be back gorgeous." He told me, and pointed me towards the two boys sitting next to the cooler.

I slowly walked over to them and sat down next to them.

"Hey, I'm Calum." A tan boy introduced himself.

There's one thing I noticed about 'Ash' and 'Calum', they both had Australian accents like Luke.

"Hey I'm Lily." I replied.

"Yeah we know." The boy with black and red hair, cut in.

"I'm Michael by the way." He added, giving me a smile.

"Uh what do you mean by, you know?" I asked the Australian boys, yup all of them were Australian.

"Luke can't keep his mouth shut, you should know he's very protective of you." Calum said smiling, was he always this happy?

"Oh." I mumbled into my hand, trying to hide my reddening face.

"Yeah, Ashton once asked if we could meet you, and I thought he was gonna kill him." Michael chuckled, and I turned around to see Luke hitting the padded gloves repeatedly.

"He's sure has changed a lot." Calum told me, Michael walked over to another ring to train.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my eyes fixed on how powerful Luke was when he was this concentrated.

"Before you came along, he was probably the biggest asshole I've ever met, and I have met Brian." He mumbled the last part, I probably wasn't supposed to hear so I acted as if I hadn't.

I nodded, encouraging him to go on.

"He sleep with a different girl every night, he would get into fights just to get an adrenaline rush I guess, but then you somehow came along and look at him now." He paused. "He's in love."

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