Chapter ten

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"Luke?" I called, sitting up from my previous sleep.

I yawned into my hand, and looked over to see Luke looking for something in my closet.

"Hi gorgeous, how did you sleep?" He asked, glancing over at me over his shoulder, as he played with his lip ring.

"Pretty good, the thunder was calming." I said, tying up my hair.

"The pitter patter of rain on your roof was amazing to sleep with." He commented, finally coming to sit next to me on the bed.

"What were you looking for?" I asked, turning to face him.

"Just seeing if you had an appropriate dress for dinner tonight." He said nonchalantly, pulling me into his chest.

I had gotten so used to Luke in such a short amount of time it actually frightened me. I had just started assuming he'd be staying over at my house, and be that person I cuddle with.

"Dinner for what?" I asked, looking up at him, placing my chin on his chest.

"Business dinner, you couldn't possibly think all I do is fight did you?" He asked, laughing quietly.

"No, but what do you do?" I questioned.

"I work for Hemmings Inc. I'm in financing, my dad and uncle run the company together." He said shrugging, I could already tell he wasn't very fond of his job.

"You don't like it do you?" I asked, playing with the ring on my finger, I never took it off.

"Not really. Where'd you get that ring?" He asked, suddenly changing the subject and looked down at my hands.

"Oh it was my brother's." I said quietly, looking down at my hands.

"You guys were really close huh?" He whispered to me, for some reason we were both just whispering back and forth to each other.

"Yeah." I whispered back.


"Ready gorgeous?" Luke asked me as I finished putting on my other heel.

As I stood in front of him I frowned at the still noticeable height difference. I am only four foot eleven, opposed to Luke's six foot something frame.

I had on four inch heels, but they didn't really help all the much.

"Yeah let's go." I said, grabbing my clutch off of my night stand.

He led me down the stairs and out the door, to his car. He opens the door for me, like he always has and probably always will. He quickly jogs around the front of the car and get into the driver's seat.

"Why don't you like your job?" I asked as we stopped at a stop light. He sighed, and ran his long fibers through his hair.

"My father and I have a," he stopped looking for the right word, and going through the light that was now green. "rocky relationship to say the least." He explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." I assure him, taking his hand in mine, the hand he's not using to drive.

He glances down at our hands for a quick second and a small smile appears on his lips.

"But on the bright side my uncle's cool." He commented, pulling into the parking lot of a fancy restaurant.

"Wow fancy." I compliment, looking over at him raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah, but the food sucks except for one thing so you should probably just get what I get." He suggested, nodding to himself.

I nod in agreement, I don't usually like fancy food so that plan is probably for the best, for me anyway.

"I'm here with the Hemmings party." Luke informs the hostess.

"Okay right this way." She says, giving us a fake smile and leading us to our table.

There is already two couples at the table and I could already tell which one was Luke's dad. He had the same electric sea blue eyes Luke had, and the same blonde hair.

Although I knew that his mum wasn't the woman on his father's arm for the night. She looked to be at least ten years younger than him.

But by the way that Luke spoke about his dad, I knew there was something up between him and his mum and obviously he took his mum's side.

"Hi dad." Luke says, a stern look on his face.

"Luke! How are you?" His dad asked, a snobby smile on his face.

"I'm okay." He said pulling me into his side, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Who's this beautiful girl with ya?" His uncle asked, giving me a genuine smile.

"This is Lily." He introduced me, and I smiled at them saying hi to all of them quickly.

I noticed that there was already a drink in front of my seat and I think Luke noticed it too and looked at me confused.

"Um who's drink is this?" I asked Luke's uncle quietly.

"Oh that's Macy's." The brunette, who was currently clutching to Luke's father's arm, answered.

"Who's Macy?" I asked, turning to Luke.

He had a disgusted look on his face, and was glaring at his father.

"Some girl I used to have a thing for, that was like eight years ago. I guess because her dad owns some big company my father thinks if he gets me to be with her it'll help the business. I'm not going near her though." He whispered into my ear, his accent seeming thicker when he spoke that closely to me.

"Ugh, competition." I groaned quietly, so only Luke could hear.

"Trust me she's no competition compared to you." He answered, kissing me on the cheek softly.

"Luke! Is that you?" I hear a high pitched nasal voice squeal from a couple of tables away, Luke groans beside me and just nods.

"Who's the girl in my seat?" She asked, acting as if I am not even here.

"I'm Lily. Do I hear a bitch pitch in your voice?" I asked sarcastically, and I hear Luke laugh and throw his hand over his mouth.

"Well Lily who are you?" She asked, still as snobby as ever.

"I'm Luke's girlfriend." I said, with more confidence than I thought.

Then I realize I said that I'm Luke's girlfriend, and I look over at him and he's smiling at me, and gives me a quick nod.

He leans in and kisses me gently on the lips and then I feel water getting poured on my head. Oh hell no.


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