Pt. 2: Hospital

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Erika's POV:
All of the sudden I see Jakes eyes start to close I cry more and scream as I'm getting up to go to Jake. But the pain hits me and I stay on the ground but scoot over to him and start to do cpr, I yell as loud as I could to get Chances attention he was on the phone with his mom.

E- JAKE!!! No Jake don't die on me on us. We all need you!! CHANCE!!!

Chance's POV:

I was on the phone with my mom cause she was wondering where I was when I hear my name but it's Erika screaming it,

Chances mom: CM

CM- Honey why aren't you home yet?
C- Sorry mom I was helping Jake with a girl, it's a long story I'll tell you later.
CM- Ok just wanted to know... Chance who is screaming behind you?
C- Mom I got to go Jake just blacked out!
CM- Ok talk to you later sweetie love you!!
C- Love you too mom!

I get off the phone and run over to Erika and see she is doing cpr.

C- What happened?!
E- He just blacked out, it's all of my fault she said while still crying
C- Erika stop saying that it's you exes fault. Check for a pulse.
E- ok

At this point Erika is crying even harder and still doing cpr when I see an ambulance and police car pull in.

Erika's POV:
A/N I know I do a lot of the girls pov it's because I'm a girl and i know how we would feel in a situation.

I'm still doing cpr and nothing seems to be working I cry even harder even though it hurts to cry.

E- Jake you have so much more to live for we can't lose you!
C- Erika the ambulance is here!
E- That doesn't mean I'm going to stop?!

Paramedic 1: Pa 1
Paramedic 2: Pa 2
Police 1: Po 1
Police 2: Po 2

As soon as they get up to where we are both of the paramedics rush over to me and Jake. They take me to the ambulance and the police start to come over and question me and chance while the other police man goes and gets Brock. One of the paramedic is doing cpr on Jake and the other is checking me up,

Po 2- Miss can you please tell us what happened?
E- Yes, so I was walking out of school, going to my car when Brock my ex comes up to me and tells me my life is going to become miserable because I broke up with him, when he cheated, he is abusive, and had other girls in his bed when I was with him. I told him that we are over and he started to punch and kick me.

I say while still crying. So Chance takes over.

C- So officer. Basically me and my friend Jake we were walking out of school when we hear Erika screaming for help so Jake immediately runs over to where Erika was and starts to beat up Brock. I go and comfort Erick while I call you guys. Jake hits Brock 10 times before Brock hits Jake back 10 times. So Jake hits Brock back 10 more times and knocks Brock out. We ask Jake if he is ok and he says he is fine. I get a call from my mom and tell her why I was going to be home late. Then I hear Erika screaming Chance. So I run over and see Jake is out cold. Then you guys came.
Po 2- Thank you both, Miss can you tell me Brock's last name to see if he has any record and can you please tell me how long the abuse has been going on.
E- Brock Boucher is his name and just a little over a year.
Po 2- ok thank you mam, we are going to Brock to the station and question him and hear his story and look at his record.
Pa 1 & 2- We need to rush this young man to the hospital immediately!!

The run into the ambulance and say.
Pa 1- Young man please follow us to see your friend with the young lady.

We nod our heads as in ok and run to Chance's truck I limp over to it cause I'm so much pain. Chance immediately sees that I am and runs over to me and picks me up and puts me in the front seat. I start crying uncontrollably.

E- Why did this happen, why Jake, why did I ever date this guy? Oh I know why, because I'm that stupid. It's all my fault.
C- Erika stop saying that. Jake is a fighter, he is the toughest guy I know don't worry. He will be fine.

I just sit there crying while Chance calls his mom and Jakes mom and dad. I call my mom as soon as I get to the hospital. 
As soon as we get to the hospital the rush Jake to a room and we have to wait in the waiting room until then. Since we are waiting I call my mom and all the girls. Chance calls all the guys. 

Erika's mom- Angel

Angel- Honey I've been worried sick about you. Are you okay?
E- Not really mom, remember Brock? Well he showed up at school today. He started to beat me up since I broke up with him. Well I met this group of boys today because of Tessa but I scream and two of the boys Chance and Jake. Come to save me basically, Jake knocks Brock out and Jake blacks out. So right now I'm at the hospital. I will be staying at Tessa's tonight. I will just borrow so of her clothes. I love you and please tell dad and the others that I'm fine.
Angel- I love you too honey see you tomorrow.
E- Bye.

And I hung up and start to cry again because I'm in so much pain at this point chance is on the phone with Logan and just tells him to get all the boys together and come to the hospital. Chance gets a nurse and takes me to a room. The nurse says that she is going to see Jakes doctor and see how he is doing. Then all of the sudden my phone just starts blowing up. I started to get texted from Tessa, Meg, and Alissa seeing where I was I texted them the whole situation and told them to come to the hospital. Chance and I started to talk after that.

E- Chance do you think Jake is going to make it?
C- Erika don't worry about Jake he is strong and will get through this.

As soon as Chance finished the nurse came in and took my x-rays and said that I have bruised muscles and I need a boot on my leg for a little while. Before she went to go get it we asked if we could have 10 of our friends come in my room because my room was big and she said yes. When she went to go get it Chance went and got the others I saw Tessa, Lauren, Alissa, and Megan first then I saw Anthony,Logan, and Tristan and finally I saw Kade, a girl with dirty blonde hair, and a boy who looked to be around 15 with light brown hair walk in. The all came running up to me but Chance held them back and said don't touch her because of her bruises. We explained the whole story to them. Logan broke down when I told the part of Jake. He said that Jake will get through all of it. Then Kade finally introduced the girl he was with her name is McKenzie and the boy who looked around to be 15 was Kade's little brother Nathan. Us girls talked and invited Lo and McKenzie over to Tessa's house tonight, they said that they will come. Then the nurse walked in and put on my boot. Then she was going to check back in on Jake then come back and tell us the news. A few mins later the nurse came back in and told us to gather around tell us that she had news. We all just started to ask questions expect for me. I just wanted to know if he was alive.

A- Is it good news
C- Good or bad
L- I hope it's good
T- is Jake alright
K- is he alive
Tr- Did he make it
Al- anything broken
McKenzie- Mc- guys let the lady talk?
Nurse- Jake is.......

A/N uh oh cliffhanger. Tell me if you guys liked it. I would love some feed back so comment down what you predict with Jake or what you want to see. Thanks for reading!!!
- Abi🐐😋-
I'm going to be editing all these chapters so they are better to read!

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