Pt. 31: Final Goodbye

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Recap: Erika- guys Jake and Logan are moving to La...
Erika's POV:

When I said that all I could do is break down and cry.

K- why do they want to leave.
C- ok so only some people know this, but Jake hates school if you all don't know and he said that he just wants to drop out so I guess he did.
N- but what about Logan?
T- I guess he just dropped out of collage.
E- guys I can't deal with this. Why would he just leave all of us?
Al- E I don't know why but don't worry you have all of us. You will get through it okay.
E- if you say so.
M- group hug

We all come in.

Mc- guys I have an idea
Tr- what?
Mc- let's throw a going away party!
Everyone expect Erika- great idea!
E- I don't know guys
Lo- please
E- I don't know
K- can you at least try to come?
E- I'll try but I'm not making any promises.
K- ok

*1 week later, I'm to lazy to write it all out.*
Jake's POV:

It's a day before we leave for La and Kade is throwing a going away party for us. I'm kinda worried for tonight cause when we told Erika a week ago she didn't take the news great. But we will just have to see what is going to happen.

At the party:

Logan and I walk in and see everyone. We gave everyone a hug and said hello. But right when we got done I asked

J- Where is Erika.....

Left you guys there today. I'm so excited to write the next one for some reason but I can't wait for you guys to read it but hope you guys enjoyed and liked it. Thank you for the love and support. Talk to you guys soon!!!

Jerika(COMPLETED WITH SEQUELS)Where stories live. Discover now