4 - Wrong Kiss, Wrong Time (2)

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This is the continuation of the last chapter, "What Had Happened". Don't forget to comment and vote!

Flashback - March 23rd, 1998

"Kate! Leo's here!" Mum hollered from the front door.

"I'm coming!" I said. I wasn't completely happy, but I wasn't mad at him anymore.

I was also to blame, I knew something was off and just ignored it. Plus, I didn't even give him a chance to explain himself after the incident, I only told him to forget about it, and I did the same.

"Bye honey, we'll meet you there. Be safe!" Mum told me as I walked out the door.

"Yes, mum. Will be, bye!" I got in the car and my eyes landed on Leo's.

He looked incredibly handsome in a black tuxedo. His hair was slicked back just like it was when he had to dress up for that dinner in first-class scene.

I could tell he was eyeing my black lace dress. His gaze rolled up to my lips and travelled to my eyes.

"Hey, babe," I said, trying to break the ice and get more comfortable.

"H- hey, sweetie" Sweetie. He always called me that and I just loved it when he did.

"Missed me?" I asked with a mischievous grin, testing the waters.

"More than you could imagine. Hell, I missed my best friend." His eyes were back on my dress, a little lower than I would've considered friendly.

"Well, I miss-" He cut me off.

"Can we just talk about what happened back then?" Leo looked at me, piercing my will. He could see right through me with those blue eyes.

"Back then?" I asked. I knew exactly what he meant, but I wanted to hear him say it.

I needed to hear him say it and I prayed he would give me a reason to forgive him. I wanted to, I really wanted to, but he was going to have to work for it.

"When we... When I asked you to be with me." His voice was heavy with sadness.

"Oh, right... back then." I was putting on an act, but I couldn't hold it up anymore.

"Leo, please tell me there was a reason you were kissing Kristen when you said you'd break up with her, please." I felt my eyes begin to water, so I quickly looked for something to dry my tears with.

Leo gave me his white handkerchief.

"Thanks," I mumbled, my voice shaky.

I looked carefully at the cloth. It had my name on it. I was confused, but I decided not to ask, given the situation we were in right now. I just stared at it while he looked down and proceeded to explain to me what actually happened.

"The truth is, Kate, there is no valid reason." He reached for my hand and I let him.

"When I told her I was done, she told me her father had just died, and that that's why she had been so wrecked lately." He sighed.

I didn't say anything, so he kept talking.

"She accepted the breakup, but she wanted one last kiss." He looked regretful. "It wasn't supposed to turn into anything more than a kiss, and it didn't, really."

Leo looked at me with red eyes and I handed the handkerchief back. He dried off the tears that were beginning to form and stared blankly at his lap again.

"I swear I regret doing what I did and there is no excuse for my actions. I will accept the consequences however they come, but please let's be friends again. Please, Kate. I need you."

Before I could say I was giving him another chance, the driver interrupted us.

"We're here, mister," he informed Leo.

"Thanks, Tommy," Leo said. He got out of the car and opened the door for me, offering his hand for me to take.

His tears were all gone and his face was a little red and puffy, but the effect was vanishing quickly. It was hard to pull myself together for the cameras and the press and keep it that way.

We got asked if we were a couple all through the night. We denied everything. I couldn't stop thinking about what Leo told me.

The night went by in a whiz. I was so proud of James and all of our cast for the recognition we got that night. We deserved each and every bit of it, if not more.

I felt so blessed to be a part of such astonishing work. At the after-party, Leo and I sat together at a table with the rest of the cast that attended the ceremony. Beneath the table, he took my hand.

I didn't look at him, but I could feel his eyes on me. I tightened the grip on his hand and turned around. He was dreading my answer.

"Leo, you will always be my best friend, don't forget that. I love you." A wave of relief went through his face and his expression changed for the rest of the night. He actually started to enjoy himself after that.

I suddenly remembered the night when we fell asleep on the ground, staring at the stars in the middle of the forest.

That was the Leo I wanted, the Leo I craved and loved with all my heart. I prayed that there would still be a part of that Leo in there somewhere and that one day, he would come for me.

To be continued...

What do you think about this chapter? Let me know in the comments! Anyway, should I do a chapter for smut? I've been thinking about it and I really don't know if that's what you guys want. Please let me know if I should and if you have any suggestions. don't forget to vote! It encourages me to go on!

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