25 - Cracks on the Pavement

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Hey, guys! Sadly, this is the end of the island chapters. I'm sorry, but it's time to go back to the future. Please comment and vote if you like the story!

Leo's POV

It's our final day on our paradise island, our precious getaway.

Kate started packing her things, and I did the same. I felt sombre to leave the island... so many memories we're taking with us.

The worst part is we know we're gonna have to deal with real life now. We're gonna have to figure out we to fit into each other's lives like our hands fit together. It's a complicated puzzle.

As soon as we were done packing, the sun began to set. It's logical since we spent most of our day being lazy and only started to pack after lunch.

Kate called the boat and he said he was 'en camino,' which means 'on my way'. We decided to take a walk along the shore one last time before we had to wake up from this dream, so we set our bags in the sand, kicked off our flip-flops, and went for a stroll.

Kate was wearing the same flowy dress she was wearing on our first day here, and her hair was loose, bleached by the sun and curled by the ocean breeze. She was a sight as she skipped along the shore... the woman of my dreams.

I ran over to her and challenged her to a race. Of course, she said yes, and we sprinted across the shore until we ran out of breath. I won.

These are the kind of things I love about her. She can seem a perfectly proper lady, but beneath all those lady-like manners, there's a girl who just wants to be set free, a Rose who wants to let go of all worries and fly like the wind. No wonder Jim Cameron cast her as Rose.

When the boat arrived, I put all of our bags aboard and then scooped Kate onto it. She kissed my cheek and we sat comfortably side by side. The ride back home was supposed to be long and boring, but with Kate by my side, it wasn't so bad.

A few weeks later...

Leo's POV

"Leo, I'm telling you, it's too soon for a DNA test." God, was she stubborn.

"It's not! That baby growing inside of you might be mine, and I need to know. It's only fair we find out before he's born."

Kate was fuming. The topic of kids was always her weak spot, she was a very defensive mother. I wanted to test the baby she was pregnant with, we already knew it was a boy.

Kate, on the other hand, wanted to wait until the baby was two years old so he could be 'old enough'.

"Look, Leo, I love you, but I'm not testing my unborn baby because you want to know if it's yours or Sam's. If you love him as much as I do, you'll accept this and let him breathe before you stick a needle through his skin." She placed a hand on her hip and furrowed her brows.

That was enough. I don't have any kids, and certainly not with Kate, and this is why. Despair was boiling up inside me. If that baby is or isn't mine, I had no way to know, and Kate wasn't offering much help.

I know it's unfair for the boy, but if he's Sam's, the guy has a right to know. What if it's his and he doesn't get to see his son take his first steps, speak his first words? That would kill any man, regardless of how much of a cheater he is.

I need to know, I don't think I could bear being here, falling in love with a baby, convincing myself I'm the father and then being informed I'm not? That's bullshit, I can't take that.

"Listen to me. I can't bear to fall in fatherly love with a baby that may not be mine and then be told he isn't. It would kill me. Please, let's have him tested." She sighed.

I knew if her mind was made up, there was no way to change it, but I had to try.

"Leonardo, no. Nobody is going to touch my baby until he's out of my belly."

'My baby.' I thought it was ours.

That was enough for me. She even used my full name. I'm done. I grabbed my jacket and burst loudly through the front door.

"Where are you going?" I heard her ask from afar, her voice sounding like I was underwater.

"I need some air," was my distant, vague response.

'I need some air' turned into not having any kind of contact with her for years. The worst mistake of my life.

I was wrong in all ways- every single one of them. She got back together with Sam and had baby Joe. I never knew if he was mine or not, and it still hurts me every day.

I continued to date models, go on with my life. They didn't help. They used to before I knew what it was like to actually have Kate in my arms.

The pain never subsided. It was there to haunt me every day from sunrise to sunset and remind me that I had let the love of my life, and probably my first and only son, go for a stupid grudge.

The only reason I didn't do anything too stupid was because of Kate. Because of that boy that might be mine. Because if she ever wanted to look at me again, to speak a word my way, I would come before her, kneeling, like a subject comes before it's queen.

And now I live a dark life, full of sorrow and regret. All thanks to my own, stupid self.

Will they solve their problem? Stay tuned to find out! Please don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story! Love you all.

Stay -Kleo- ✅Where stories live. Discover now