21 - Upside Down

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I was planning on leaving you guys in suspense for a while, but I can't keep myself from writing, so here you go! Comment and vote if you like the story!

Ned's POV


Kate and Joe left for a run early this morning. That little midget, always getting in my way.

There's one reason I married Kate. One, and that was Mia. My jaw dropped the moment I laid eyes on her.

I've always been a fan of Kate's movies, ever since Jude in 1996. Kate was just the perfect woman. Mia is the reflection of that perfect woman. An exact copy of Kate.

My plan was coming along nicely, but there was just one obstacle and that was Kate herself. She would occasionally catch me staring at Mia, but she'd never said anything. Now that she's gone with Joe, and Bear is still too young to understand, I've got a chance.

Mia was sleeping on the couch, her face blank and relaxed. I hovered above her, bringing my lips close to hers.

She shifted in her sleep and I jerked back, afraid she would wake up. I really didn't know what I was expecting or what my plan was, I just knew I wanted her.

Just as my lips brushed hers, the door opened.

Kate was standing there, her face blank, but I could see the waterfall of emotions going on behind her eyes. All of those feelings at once couldn't mean anything good. I felt a strong fear, like a fire, starting to burn me from the inside, out.

I jumped away from the couch as Mia woke up, oblivious to what went on around her.

Fear clawed its way up my throat when Kate acted as if she hadn't seen anything, sending Joe and Mia upstairs to check on Bear.

She came up to me once they were out of earshot, standing firmly in front of my face.

"You have exactly ten seconds to explain what the fuck hell you were doing with my daughter before I call the fucking police, Ned." Her tone was calm, threatening. Dangerous.

I tried to put my thoughts in order, but before I could say a word, Kate had the phone in her hand, and the police were coming over. She called her parents to come and pick the kids up.

She had just witnessed something she wasn't quite sure how to react to, much less how to handle.

The police got here before I could explain myself and I was behind bars within an hour, charged with sexual abuse towards a minor.

Mia's POV

I woke up from my nap because of a pesky feeling on my lips. It was warm, moving.

I jumped up and saw my mum standing at the door with Joe by her side. I'd never seen that look on her face, and I grew confused when she calmly sent Joe and me upstairs to check on Bear.

We did as we were told, but I eavesdropped her conversation with Ned. It was no use, he didn't say anything.

The police came and took him away, no struggle whatsoever. Then I made my way back downstairs, where mum was still as shocked as I.

Maybe I was more shocked since I didn't have the first clue as to what was going on.

"Mia, did Ned ever... touch you?" Everything came crashing into mind.

I'd caught Ned staring at me many times, paying attention when I got home from the gym.

"No, he never touched me. He... he would just- just stare at me." I knew exactly what was going on. Ned tried to kiss me, or so I thought. "Did Ned... did he kiss me, mum?"

She let a few tears fall down her cheeks, landing on the cold kitchen counter. I wrapped my arms around her and just held her for a while.

"I'm so sorry, honey, I never thought-" Her voice cracked.

"It's okay, he's gone now."


Leo's POV

I received a call from Mia at around 2 AM. Then I remembered the time differences between London and America. Something must've happened to have her call me at this time.

Phone Call Between Mia and Leo

Mia: Hello? Uncle Leo?

Leo: Mia? Hi, sweetie! Is something wrong?

Mia: Oh, dad! I don't even know where to begin. Can you come over?

Leo: I'm getting on the first plane I can catch, I'll be there tomorrow afternoon.

Mia: Thank god!

Leo: Does this have to do with your mother?

Mia: I'm afraid so, yeah... but I'm being sent to my grandparent's and she doesn't know you're coming, so be warned.

Leo: Alright, no problem. I'm taking the jet, it's faster. I'll be there in a couple of hours.

Mia: Thanks, dad, see you soon.

Leo: See you soon, baby. I love you.

I was planning to take a regular plane to get there, but when Mia said it had something to do with Kate, I called the pilot and told him I needed to fly to London immediately.

As I got my suitcase ready, flashbacks of the time I saved Kate from Sam came flooding in.

I shook them off for the sake of the moment. Anxiety was pumping through my veins as I got in a cab and drove to the airport.

The flight took excruciatingly long. Last time I did this 'let's fly across the Atlantic because Kate needs me!' thing was years ago.

I felt like she needed me again, like I could save her from the arms of that vile man and take her into mine.

I still loved her with everything I had. For me, there's no such thing as to stop loving Kate, even if the end to our island vacation left a scar in my heart.

I shook that thought off too because it could potentially bring me to tears, and I was sure the pilot wouldn't like to hear sobbing from the back seat in the middle of the night.

At last, at almost 9 AM, London time, I was at the steps of Kate's house.

I used to know this place so well. I pulled out the old spare key and hesitated before opening the door.

Coming inside, I looked around until I spotted a small figure in the corner of the couch. There she was.

It had been so long since we last saw each other, I wondered if she would even want me here.

I walked over to her cautiously and she jumped, startled.

There was surprise in her eyes, and so, so many questions.

And pain, pure 'you just stabbed my heart' pain.

She raised her arms at me and furrowed her brows. I picked her up and carried her upstairs with y hands around her waist.

I was about to lay her in the bed and leave the room when she spoke.

"Don't. You lay down, let me stay here." I did as she asked.

I laid on the bed and let her cuddle into my chest, arms around her shoulders. She fell asleep as I caressed her blonde hair. Crying, there was a lot of that.

I knew better than to rush her for an explanation, she would tell me at her own time.

There, all done! Please comment and vote if you like the story! Don't forget about the island, we'll be getting back to that next chapter. Love you all!

BTW, If you guys want to read really good fanfiction, go check out @ntlpurpolia's "Never Let Go"  It's seriously too good!

Edit (Oct 2020) - Man, I tell you, @ntlpurpolia is literally one of the best writers I know. Her Kleo story? Mind. Blowing. If you haven't read it, what are you still doing here?

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