10 - Husband Number Two (2)

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YAY, PART 10! This is part two of "Husband Number Two". In this chapter, it will be Leo's point of view. Please enjoy, comment, and vote! I love y'all!


The wedding was my definition of a living hell. The reception? Even worse. I still don't know how I got out of there alive, or how I didn't kill Sam in the process.

Actually, I do know.

Three words: I-was-drunk. The whole night was a blur after the vows. I thought I would be able to hold it in, but it came pouring out. It was probably the worst day of my life, and why? Because I let Kate marry someone who was not me, for the second time.

I don't even know where to start, so I guess I'll start at the beginning.

The wedding, that was the worst part. She looked absolutely breathtaking, as always, but there was something off about her that day. She seemed empty, hollow, like a shell.

Well, not completely empty, more like half-empty.

We kissed before she walked down the aisle. I fought the urge to take her into my arms and never let her go, but there was Sam to think about. There was another man who loved her. He clearly didn't love her half as much as I do, but he did, and he proposed... and she said yes.

"Why did you let her go?" I scold myself over and over, again and again.

But I had to. Why? Because Sam would be hurt, he would be left like me. Probably- no, certainly not as hurt as me. But he would be hurt, and it was the right thing to do... right?

She cried through the whole fucking ceremony, and the guests where just awe' ing because they thought she was happy. Like hell she was! She said and empty 'I do' to a man she did not love, watching me like a child, red-faced in front of her.

The part that hurt the most? I couldn't push Sam away to hold her, like I always do, and tell her everything was going to be alright.

'Cause it wasn't. Nothing was going to be alright.

How do you hold back your tears when the situation involves the love of your life getting married to a man she does not love in front of you, crying in agony, her being forced to say 'I do' and kiss a man just for the sake of his feelings, and you not being able to stop her, holding back the impulse to scream in agony.

Cut to the reception. She had changed her dress, to yet another mercilessly beautiful one. I spent the night at the bar. Staring, aching, glaring. When the time for their first dance came, she was looking for me, but I was hidden away, unable to move. The pain was too much.

When they stepped onto the dance floor and the song came on, my heart stopped. Somebody ripped in out of my chest and squeezed it so hard all of my feelings came pouring out, drained from my veins. That was it: the limit. I was officially empty, a carcass.

She danced, or better said, was dragged all over the dance floor by Sam, who couldn't be happier.

He liked her, he didn't love her. He just wanted a pretty little wife on his arm, and Kate was no trophy. I just felt like everyone who wasn't me had the potential to hurt her. Everyone but me had the nerve to let her go, it had happened once, after all.

After another drink I didn't count, I decided to head home. I called Tommy, who was still my chauffeur and drove home. I paid him extra, he had probably been listening to me blabbing about shit he didn't want to hear. I headed upstairs and fell asleep on the couch.

Remembering Kate, lying beside me, in this very place. Right beside me, even if it was years ago, I can still smell her scent, sense her presence. I love the woman, and just when I thought we had a chance because of her divorce, she is married again. To a man who is not likely to let her go.

My tears fall unconsciously on the cushion as I drift away, to a world of dreams. A world where Kate is mine and I am hers and we live happily ever after, but, in the back of my head, I know it's just a dream.

Done! Two chapters in one day, I feel great!  =.) Please let me know what you think in the comments, and if you would be kind enough to vote, that would make my day. I love you all!

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