27 - Breakfast in Bed... Or Else

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Hey! I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I had my final exam and my family came to visit, but now I'm on vacation for a week, so there will be a lot of updates! Please comment and vote if you like the story.

Kate's POV

I regret turned away more than I would've regretted kissing him. The bubble of happiness Leo and I had created burned to ashes in an instant.

He looked away, embarrassed. Not the kind of good, 'I'm blushing' embarrassed, but the oh-my-god,-I-fucked-up embarrassed, and I didn't want him to feel that way.

The movie went on, and for once, I was actually watching it. I wanted so desperately to think of something else that I actually watched the movie and didn't think about my performance, how my accent sounded, how my hair looked. I watched the movie as if I weren't the one playing Rose, and realized I'm in love with Leo just as much as Rose is with Jack, and Leo feels the same way.

But my laser focus backfired on me when I realized there was, quite literally, sex coming up. I knew this act we were putting up wasn't gonna last long, I could feel the suspense rising again.

This is it, I thought. This is where I mess up my self-control record and every last bit of dignity I had, everything gone to shit.

But you know what? I don't give a fuck. Everything is going to shit? Let's send it to shit on fire.

Rose says "Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your french girls." and I look at Leo waiting for him to pounce.

He's trying, too, I can tell. I know he's trying with all his might not to put his hands on me, but I'm not sure I want him to keep trying. This bullshit has got to end.

He looks at me, the blue of his eyes making my breath race.

He looks pitiful, like a lost kitten or a wounded puppy. That's not the Leo I need. I need the Leo who's willing to do whatever it takes to make me his, barely minding what I think.

He has his ways, his special ways, of doing things.

He can make the most frightened kid love him, the most unfaithful woman be loyal, the most rotten of crackheads stay sober. He can make me, a person whom he hurt so many years ago, fall in love with him all over again over a pizza, a movie, and a few bottles of wine.

Leo can see the engines of my brain turning, he knows exactly what I'm thinking. Although we spent years apart, we've known each other for far more. He knows how to fix me when I'm broken, how to make me happy when I'm sad, and how to knock some sense into me when I'm not thinking straight.

And that's exactly what I need right now. I need someone to get me thinking straight. Nothing makes sense anymore. The whole thing feels so fucked up, but deep down, I feel like I'm right were I'm supposed to be.

All I know is Rose said "Wearing only this," and everything went black. A sense of bliss, happiness, a feeling of peace overcame me. I felt complete, like that puzzle piece that went missing so many years ago finally came back, and it fit right in.

The next morning, I woke up in Leo's embrace.

We were in his guest room, the morning light shining through the window. You could hear the birds chirping outside, and the smell of freshly-baked bread and goods from the nearby bakery squeezed through the doors of the house. There's nothing like living in a small town by the ocean.

For a minute, the whole thing felt so normal, like I was used to it. Then I remembered where I was and why.

Everything that happened last night flushed in and a grin crept into the corners of my lips. Leo's arms were around my waist, holding me tight. I sighed loudly, taking in the moment, relishing every last second.

When Leo woke up, it was an hour after me, with my face cuddled into the crook of his neck and my hands resting on his chest. I knew he was awake because his grip on me tightened and I could sense him smiling.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said. I smiled and my cheeks flushed.

"Good morning, Leo. Did you sleep well?" Playing with fire, I reminded myself.

"Given our current status, I'm guessing I had the best night ever." We laughed softly, and then I got up, cold air rushing through me.

"How does breakfast in bed sound?" I raised one eyebrow as I looked back at him. He was smiling.

"Sounds great, sweetheart, let me freshen up." He starts for the bathroom, but I lean over and pull him back.

"No, hey, what part of 'breakfast in bed' did you not get? I'm bringing you breakfast, you twit!" He laughed, resting his head on the pillow.

"Fine, babe, show me what you've got."

Leo's POV

When Kate sets her mind to something, she does it. If she wants to bring me breakfast in bed, I better stay in bed... or else.

I put one hand behind my head as I watch her dress up. I'm not even gonna ask what happened last night, even though I don't remember a thing.

When she's ready, Kate leaves the room, flashing a smile and blowing me a kiss. I sit back and relax. I was gonna turn the T.V on, but then my mind clouded. I started thinking about what would happen now with Kate, with us.

A few more minutes went by before she came into the room, holding a tray. It had two plates with eggs, fruit, oatmeal, honey, and some coffee. My favourite coffee has always been Kate's- I could barely wait to take a sip.

She sat beside me and we turned on the T.V. Pretty Little Liars was playing. Kate loves that show. Not to imply anything, but I kinda dig it, too. The final season was coming up, and we were both little sad about it.

The day went by surprisingly fast after that. We took a swim in the pool around noon and then a walk in the park before dinner. We played some monopoly and drank some wine after dessert and off to bed I went, Kate along with me. What an amazing day.


"What, goddamnit?" I lean over to smack the alarm clock on my nightstand.

"Oh, shit... it was all a dream."

Dun, dun, duuuuun! Ned never hit on Mia or went to jail, Kate and Joe came home to a happy family after the DNA test, and Leo never went to Kate's house. How about that? Please comment and vote if you like the story! Love you all!

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