31 - Game of Life

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Hey! This is a continuation on the present day of "6 - Our Present." I've decided to use some facts that have been popping up in my Kleo radar recently with all this press Kate has been doing with Idris for The Mountain Between Us. Enjoy!

Leo's POV

Kate shot a movie with this English actor, Idris.

I met him once. He's very nice and gets along with Kate nicely, what with them being English and all, but she's having fun, so I'm happy.

Although I was a little worried about her because the conditions on that set were nothing short of deadly.

As soon as she left St. Tropez, she meant to tell Ned the truth. The whole truth, not just the part were he remained owner and lord of all he "created."

Ned was never a bad guy, he seemed happy with Kate and for once, I never had any suspicions about him cheating on her or anything the like. Kate was happy, too, for a while. Until, like mine, her mind started to wander off-trail.

She's been delaying telling Ned the truth, but it doesn't bother me jut yet, because she's been doing press and filming Wonder Wheel and been very busy overall. I've been watching every interview and comment she makes, a bit surprised about the bombs she's dropping out there.

She looks more alive than ever, and I like to think it's because we're together again.

Kate's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since I started the press tour for The Mountain Between Us. I started off with Idris, then we both did our separate business, and tomorrow we're going on the Norton Graham Show together.

Ned was a sweetheart during filming and, honestly, I do feel bad for lying to him. His whole world is getting turned upside down once I tell him, so I'm looking for the best way to do that, the most sensible route.

Meanwhile, I've heard there's a ship name for Leo and I. Apparently, we're called Kleo. It rhymes pretty nicely, I kinda dig it.

I've become aware of the fact that we have a huge... fandom? And that they've been picking up on all the clues we've been leaving behind for the past 20 years.

Now that I have this information, I plan to use this fandom for my final purpose.

They can catch every single hint Leo and I give, so I'm starting to drop more of them. For example, I leaked a collage of baby pictures of Bear, Leo, and I. Bear honestly looks a lot more like Leo than me, although we're not sure he's his.

The collage also has the necklace Leo gave me once he found out about Bear.

It's a gold chain with the word "Bear" engraved on it. I suppose it should work as a hint since Leo never gave me any presents like this when Mia and Joe were born.

I also made sure to wear the ring Leo gave to me to my interview with Good Morning America, and play with it a lot, too

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I also made sure to wear the ring Leo gave to me to my interview with Good Morning America, and play with it a lot, too.

I was actually asked about him, and they were smart to play the little "Titanic" clip. I said I wished there was a soap opera of the movie were Jack and Rose really did end up together, then smiled cheekily, waiting for the audience's answer. Fortunately, it was positive, so I said "No, no, no." to not give the whole act away just yet.

I was in the best mood that morning, and it really did show. Most times, I smile for the camera but act very selective and not that joyful when I'm signing autographs and taking pictures.

That wasn't the case that morning. I skipped around and gave everybody my biggest smile, unable to keep myself from irradiating joy.

The same night, I attended the special screening for The Mountain Between Us but didn't go opening my mouth at the drop of a hat because that had to do with work.

I went to my hotel that night knowing I'd be coming back to London soon for the Graham Norton Show. I've been there twice before. Graham is actually very funny and attentive, I enjoy his show very much.

My thoughts wouldn't let me sleep at night. I didn't want to kiss Ned anymore, and I was starting to feel slightly worried about what would happen if he wanted to get intimate with me because I didn't want to.

I began thinking of Bear and how the last leaked picture of him was with Ned and me at the airport.

At first, I didn't want anyone to see my baby because he kept resembling Leo more and more like Leo, but now, it doesn't seem like such a bad idea.

Ned's POV

Kate asked me to stay home with Bear while she went to New York to do press for her new film. I think she doesn't want anybody to see him.

She was okay when he was still a newborn, but has gotten more overprotective of him over the months. She wasn't so protective over Mia and Joe when they were babies.

I love spending time with Bear. The other day, he called me "uncle Ned," which startled me.

Of course, I immediately corrected him and told him I was "daddy". He started calling me uncle Ned more often and I told Kate, but she said it was 'just a phase.'

I've been asking my mum for pictures of me when I was a baby because Bear hardly looks anything like me.

Mia and Joe look very much like their fathers, so I thought Kate had submissive genes, meaning mine would show more than hers and Bear would look like me, but he doesn't.

I think Kate's genes are playing a little trick with Bear because he does have the blue eyes and the blonde curly hair, but he reminds me of somebody else, I just can't put my finger on it.

It's the shape of his eyes and the little nose... Bear almost looks like... Leo? But it can't be. Bear's my son.

To Be Continued Due To Lack Of Sleep...

Hey! I'll finish this chapter tomorrow after school. Love you all!

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