36 - Flying Machine (2)

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This is the continuation of last chapter, enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Kate's POV

After closing the door, everything became long and excruciating. The car ride to the airport, waiting to board the plane, the plane ride itself. It all threatened to drive me bonkers at one point or another.

I couldn't stop my mind from going to imaginary places where it shouldn't be going. Places where it said "Danger Zone" or "Keep Off," "Stay Away." Forbidden places.

When I finally landed in St. Tropez, I looked around for Leo. Stupid of me, really.

The paparazzi came crashing in, blinding me with the flashes of their expensive Canon cameras, iPhones, Samsungs, and other lightning devices.

I whipped out my phone, covering my face with my other hand. I intended to call Leo, but once I saw his number on the dial, I froze.

Normally, the words would just roll off my tongue when I spoke to him, now I didn't have the most remote idea of what to say.

The concept was clear in my mind: hurry your ass up and get to the airport before I call a cab.

But I couldn't speak to him like that after such a long time. Would it be polite? Screw it. I'll just call him, I thought.

Deep breaths, deep breaths... The voice in my head switched my brain on and it indicated my tongue to start moving.

"Hey, Leo?" Why was I asking? I'm so distracted right now.

"Alright, I'll do it, but get your ass over here soon!"

I covered my big mouth with my hand, not minding the flashes for a second. Why, Kate, why the fuck would you say that? It was all going well, you big twit.

"Yes, ma'am."

Did he laugh? Did he laugh? Could it be he's still the old Leo? I'll take that laugh as a yes. Let's just roll with it.

"It's nice to hear your voice again."

I can't believe I'm 42 and still blushing over a mere six to ten words that come out of that man's mouth. I must look like a schoolgirl in love.

"Yeah... yeah, yours, too.

You're so obvious, Kate. Keep it together.

A few minutes later...

I'm currently sitting on the toilet lid, waiting for Leo. Anybody who sees me wants a picture, an autograph, something. I'm used to it, but that doesn't mean it's not annoying as hell. It's as if I'm forced to give and give and give everywhere I go.

I started talking to myself when Titanic went into theatres. I weirded myself out at first, but I find it helpful in stressful situations. Like a mental note from me to me, reminding me who I am and why I do what I do. It gives me that extra boost I wouldn't have otherwise.

Of course, I don't speak to myself aloud, much less in the airport bathroom. In my head, I have conversations with myself that can even bring me to tears because I'm not able to divert the truth I already know.

Bzzt... bzzt...

I slide my hand into my purse and pull out my phone. Leo's calling. He must have arrived now.

Phone conversation:

Kate: Are you here now?

Leo: Yeah, sweetheart. Right at the back so you don't have to face those terrible bloodsuckers.

I laugh when he calls the paparazzi "bloodsuckers," we came up with that together.

Kate: Aw, babe, you're so considerate. I'll be right there.

Leo: Of course, can't wait to see you!

Kate: Me too, loser, me too.

Oh, and I meant that. God, I missed him. His voice, his way with words. He can really choose his words poorly, fuck it up. But when he does nail his selection, it's magic.

I almost tripped on my way out of the bathroom, earning myself a few scolding looks from the other women in the sinks and the cleaning lady.

I didn't care, anyway. I was too busy finally allowing my mind to run wild to all the crooks and nooks I hadn't allowed it to go to before.

Once daylight was visible through the back door's window, I smiled. I smiled the biggest smile I had smiled in a long time. I was just about to push the door open, but it opened before I could touch it.

There he was. He opened the door for me, but the fact was forgotten as I launched into his arms, dropping my bags.

I had been imagining this moment over and over. A thousand different feelings, a thousand different situations. This was, by far, the best version.

I pushed him back a little. He was laughing and crying. We were both crying, actually. I twined my arms around his neck to pull him as close as humanly possible.

My head perfectly cuddled against his chest. I was probably soaking his shirt with tears, but I knew he didn't mind.

He knew I didn't mind him, either. Leo slid his hands down my back, reaching the small of my waist, wrapping his arms around me like he had to hold me together or else I would burst. His chin rested on my head and I could feel his laughter rumble through his chest.

He sighed in relief.

I didn't want to let go. Ever. His scent washed over me and I couldn't help but cry some more. So many memories in so little time, it was too much.

I wanted to kiss him at one point, but I didn't. I really don't know why, I just knew some still-sane part of myself told me not to, and I listened.

After what seemed like ages, he slowly pulled away from me.

"I missed you so much, Kate." Kate. Kate. My name on his lips sounded better than anything I'd heard before.

"I missed you too, Leo, you have no idea." I reached for my bags, but he picked them up before me.

"Nu-uh, you're being treated like a princess until you have to go back." I laughed.

"Why, thanks!"

As we walked across the parking lot, we approached a huge helicopter. I didn't even know they made them this big!

"DiCaprio, tell me this is a prank," I said, laughing.

"Nope! You're getting a first-row view on the French Riviera, sweetheart!"

I guffawed. I could feel his eyes on me, so mushed together by his smile he couldn't possibly actually see. I couldn't believe him!

As we got closer to the helicopter, the pilot started the engine. It roared loudly and I instinctively grabbed Leo's hand for protection.

I kept my gaze on the vehicle, uneasy, but Leo looked down at me in shock. I noticed and gave his arm a squeeze to reassure him everything was fine. He slowly intertwined our fingers and I felt a shudder down my spine.

He started rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb, which relaxed me, and then, after putting my bags inside, he sat down beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

Leo's POV

After Kate let go, the ride was amazing.

When she first took my hand, I was surprised. I thought she'd be mad at me and it would take a little more time to get comfortable but apparently, it didn't.

She didn't seem to mind my arm around her during the flight, either. I think she was just nervous.

Everything changed once we got to the villa.

GUYS! I'm so sorry I'm taking so long to update, but I'm away for vacation until the 6th and I can't be too active, although I wish I could. 😭 Thank you for being so patient. I love you all!❤️💕❤️

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