38 - Leo's Birthday (2)

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Guys! If anyone has any ideas for a part 3 of "Flying Machine" don't hesitate to tell me! I'll be happy to write about what you want to read.

Leo's POV

A few minutes later and maybe 10 kilometres away, Kate finally turned to see me, using her little smile to melt my heart. It seemed that she had just really realized the position we were in. And, to be honest, I had just realized it, too.

When I laid down, my back against the seat, she cuddled up to me facing the opposite direction. I wrapped my arms around her, one on her waist and the other one on her shoulder. Then she turned so we could be face to face, deliberately pressing her chest against me. Both my arms now rested on her waist.

"You don't want to get up, do you?" She said with a smirk. It's both hilarious and beyond sexy when she starts teasing me. She arched her back on purpose, pressing herself to my body and laughing at my reaction. "You pervert."

We had to push up the divider between the front and back seats a few seconds after we got in the car because the tension was building back here.

"How do you expect me to react when you do that?" Her eyes shot from my lips to my eyes.

"Do what? I haven't done anything."

"Yeah, sure you're not. You're such a tease, Kate." I smiled at my last words. The last time I said those, we were on the island.

She seemed to remember too, I could tell from her distracted gaze.

"Thinkin' about our island, ain't you?" She silently nodded yes, her eyes still not meeting mine.

I placed a firm kiss to her forehead and wrapped my arms around her, bringing her even closer to me, but not in a sexual way. I just wanted to hold her tight and make her feel safe, make her feel like everything would work out if we're together.

"I love you, Kate." Three words. Three words and the most amazing name in the world, said meaningfully enough, was all it took to let her know what I was thinking.

"I'm fine, Leo, you make it alright. I love you, too."

At home...

Kate's POV

After Leo reminded me of our island, I couldn't possibly keep my thoughts in line. I remembered all the amazing times we had, but I also remember how that period of our lives ended. He left me, I thought. I was pregnant and he left me.

Now I know Leo has changed. He told me how sorry he was for doing what he did, that he had given in to his rage and not listened to his heart.

It was a really cheesy speech, but that's Leo. The real Leo, not the guy you see, or rather saw, dating young models and strolling the red carpet with a heart of stone. The real Leo, my Leo, was cheesy, funny, -sometimes disgusting- and flawed. Yes, he's flawed, and I love every single one of his flaws, just like he loves mine.

After I lose the argument again and again on my brain, I decide to finally ask him. I want him to give me an honest answer on whether he would or wouldn't do it again, leave me.

We are sitting in the couch, watching "Mamma Mia" because I love that movie and Leo is such a sweetheart that he plays it for me when I'm dozing-off or distracted so I'll pay attention to him.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" I 'accidentally' smacked his arm to get his attention, and now I've got it. It's now or never. Speak, Kate!

"I have a question for you, a really important one. Answer me honestly, whatever the answer may be, please don't lie to me."

His looks twisted from annoyed and amused to concerned. His eyebrows scrunched up, revealing the few wrinkles he has on his forehead and somewhat below it. His eyes scream for answers, but I will only give him questions, and the smile on his lips has faded away.

"What is it, Kate? You can ask me anything, you know that." My heart swoons, but I mustn't give in to my teenage-in-love instincts right now. I must be direct, sharp.

"Would you ever leave me again, like when you did after our island?" Once it's out, it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, then comes that awful feeling of nerves and anticipation that forms in the pit of your stomach, just waiting to explode, hoping to get the best of you. The words are floating in the air, hanging unclaimed.

A change in his expression, a flicker of the mouth, a switch in the direction of his gaze, and an even further scrunch of the eyebrows, and I already know he knew this was coming.

He knows me, and he knew I was going to ask. I probably didn't even give him enough time to give me a suitable answer.

"Why say it if you already know it." He's talking about how I know he knew I was going to ask.

How did we even get here? Knowing when the other knows that the other knows that the other already knew?! What is this? A bloody tongue-twister? This is absurd!

"Yes, I know. Now tell me, straight to the point. If you're gonna leave me for Bar or Giselle or whichever other of the model girlfriends of your choice, tell me now. If you plan on keeping me, tell me now. If you honestly don't know the answer to this, tell me now."                                              

It was done, he was trapped. He'd been pinned against the wall with no way out. He was either answering my question or I was walking out that very door this instant. I wasn't rushing him. I wasn't giving him days to think of an answer, but I wasn't demanding one in 15 seconds or less, either.

"Kate, look at me." He finally started, and I looked up from the string in the couch I was playing with.

"Listen to me, sweetheart. I can't tell you right now if this will last forever, much less can I tell you what I think I'm doing because I don't know the answer myself. What I do know, thank god, is that I love you. I love you with all my heart and you're the only woman who's ever truly had my heart to love or to break. As for how long this will last, I don't really know, but if the choice was mine, I'd make it last forever. I'd freeze time right now and spend the rest of eternity with you. I won't ever date another model again, whether you decide to leave me or not because I sure as hell am not leaving you. I want you in my life, Kate, and I want the whole world to know you're mine. Please don't ever think I'd repeat the worst mistake of my life again. I've learnt my lesson, and my punishment was to spend years away from you. I don't want to spend another second without seeing you every day, waking up to your face, having your bad jokes around, seeing your sexy-ass self and watching cheesy musicals like this one with you. I love you, only you. You. You. You, Kate Winslet. The love of my life, my best friend, my woman, I love you."

My eyes were already watering. If this was his sorry/love confession speech, I can't imagine what his proposal will... would be like.

I didn't even have the strength to answer him, so I just followed the first instinct my heart told me to follow and he landed on his back on the couch as I threw myself on him, attacking him with kisses.

Two chapters in one week?! Omg! Lmao, I'm hilarious. I hope you like this chapter! I love you all!

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