23 - Make It Better

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This is the chapter that follows "Upside Down". It's quite emotional, be warned! Please vote and comment if you like the story!

Kate's POV

Yesterday, Leo came home. Yes, home. Home, to me, is wherever he is.

I was slouched up on the couch, thinking. Having sent Mia, Joe, and Bear to their grandparent's, I had a breakdown. I'd only been like this once when Jim left me alone with Mia, and Leo had been there for me.

I heard the door open, but I didn't move. I didn't care, there was no strength left within me. Sadness, troubles, pain, shock, doubt, all coiled up inside me for too long. I had to let it out.

As soon as I saw Leo standing in front of me, my first thought was 'hold me'. I didn't think about if he wanted to, I didn't wonder why he was even here, I didn't think about how we ended the last time we were together or how long ago that was.

I just wanted in. I wanted into his embrace, his warmth.

To my luck, he picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I had done so many years ago.

It wasn't anything sexy, just an attempt to get closer to him. I'd missed the love of my life for some. He carried me upstairs, remembering where my bedroom was and was about to lay me down, but I couldn't let go. I didn't want to let go.

And so he laid there with me, staring at the ceiling, his arms wrapped around me. Leo didn't push me for an answer, he let me stay within him, let me drift off to sleep.

I dreamt of nothing while he caressed my face. For the first time in months, I had no nightmares, just a blank, peaceful, dreamless sleep.

Leo's POV

Kate looked so peaceful as she slept. Her warmth felt like something you had forgotten, but not quite. The kind of feeling you get when you learn to ride a bike and forget about it for a few years, but when you go back, you still remember how to ride.

I was beyond mad at myself for letting her go for the reason I did. It wasn't fair for her, I was an ass. I am an ass... until I apologize.

Right now, I was here, and I was staying. I was holding her tight until all the broken, jagged pieces that made up the fire burning within her came back together.

I was willing to give her pieces of my own, even if it meant I broke in the process.

She began stirring a couple of hours later, and I realized I didn't sleep at all. The jet lag was killing me now, but I pushed my tiredness aside for Kate. She was all that mattered.

Her grey-blue eyes fluttered open and widened when she saw me. It was strange but nice, familiar.

She didn't say anything, just stayed there, with her face buried in my chest, breathing steadily.

For a second, I thought she might be mad, then I realized she just wanted to take in everything in before acting.

Kate's POV

I woke up unusually warm where I was used to being cold. When I opened my eyes, I got the urge to jump away but decided not to.

I was in Leo's arms. When was the last time that happened?

Events from the past week came back to me slowly. Ned trying to take advantage of Mia, the police, the crying. Leo being here, the fact that I spent the night with him...

I decided to test my limits and not move an inch. Leo just looked sincerely at me, waiting for my next move.

When he realized there wouldn't be a next move from my part at all, he kissed my forehead.

"I'm not asking what happened. Mia called and said you needed me. Yes, I flew all the way over here because you needed me. I'm not putting pressure on you, take your time." His words shifted something inside me when he said 'Yes, I flew all the way over here because you needed me.'

I smiled into the pillow, and my dimple showed. That dimple hadn't been there for a long, long time.

It only showed when Leo was around. Otherwise, it was only when my kids did something that made me immensely proud, and they knew it because of the dimple. They called it 'the lucky dimple'. I love those kids, and Leo does, too.

Even though we stopped talking to each other, Leo still sent gifts for them and me on birthdays and Holidays.

Lost within my memories, an idea came to me, and I cursed myself for being so embarrassing.

"Akamu," I muttered.

"What?" Leo asked, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

"You heard me." The smile grew on him, and he playfully rolled his eyes, sighing dramatically.

"Kodiak."  We shared a laugh, my heart feeling a thousand times lighter.

Yes, I used the 'native names' he gave us because they meant that anything that came between us could -and had- to be solved.

It meant that, no matter what, we would always be Kate and Leo, Jack and Rose, April and Frank, Kodiak and Akamu.

I noticed the jet lag was positively killing him.

I knew when he was sleepy and how awful jet lag felt. He did fly all the way across the ocean, after all, so I softly ran my hands through his hair. I knew it soothed him, and, soon enough, he was asleep.

Getting up, I went downstairs.

One stare at the couch had me crying. I still couldn't believe that, after all these years, Ned only married me for Mia. The man I fell in love with- was it ever really love?- wanted nothing to do with me from the start.

He even befriended Leo. I guess he knew we came together. If he got Leo, he had half my approval, plus Leo's.

I didn't realize I'd been thinking for so long, absentmindedly relying on muscle memory to tidy things up. Time flies by when you're remembering things.

Leo came downstairs, fresh-faced, and hugged me. God, I couldn't believe how much I missed his hugs, his big hands rubbing my back. He made me feel safe.

No, Kate, he doesn't love you. He's probably still mad. Yes, you two said those native names and some more nonsense, but that only fixes things half-way. It doesn't mean he suddenly forgave you and much less loves you...

But I know Leo. I loved him. I still do.

The conflict in my head went on, even as Leo let go of me and went into the kitchen.

He brewed us some warm tea and cut up some mango pieces. He also cooked waffles and put whipped cream on top. He knew whipped cream was my favourite.

"Here, sweetie, eat your breakfast." His voice made my stomach toss and turn.

"Thank you, Leo. I don't deserve this." Leo knew I wasn't gonna eat. I was too distracted, but he was Leo, so he knew what to do.

"Come on, even royalty needs to eat her waffles." He smudged a dollop of whipped cream on my nose and I giggled.

"Not when the king is not here." That slipped out, I didn't even know who it was intended towards.

"What do you mean, your king isn't here? You're looking at him."

My smile faded, my eyes tracing the lines on his face that were unfamiliar to me now.

Leo realized what he'd said and put his head down.

"I'm sorry, Kate, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay." I took his chin and raised his head. His blue eyes burning into mine.

"I never said you weren't my king." He held a sad smile on his face as if he remembered something that made him happy. I knew what he was thinking about... the cliff on the island.

Here is another sad-ish chapter, hope you like it! Please comment and vote if you are enjoying the story! Love you all!

Stay -Kleo- ✅Where stories live. Discover now