8- S|A|D

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Hey! This one is a bit sad, as you can tell from the title. It's set a few weeks after part 3 of "Wrong Kiss, Wrong Time". Enjoy! Comment and vote.

Leo's Journal - 1998

Kate and I have been spending an awful lot of time together, and I love it. I love her, but I haven't said that yet. I suppose I should if I love her so much. I'll ask her to be my girlfriend.

Tonight, it's settled. Kate Winslet will be my girlfriend by tomorrow morning. But I have to ask her if she's free tonight, or else it might turn out she can't come. Better call.

Phone conversation

-Kate: Hey, Kate speaking

-Leo: Hey, Kate?

-Kate: Oh, hey, Leo! What's up?

-Leo: Just calling to see if you had plans tonight.

-Kate: Tonight? Hmm, let me see... Nope, I'm free tonight. Why?

-Leo: Oh, great! Uh, come to my place at 8.

-Kate: Sure! I'll be there. So mysterious!

Kate started giggling.

-Leo: Don't even try, I'm not telling you a thing.

-Kate: Ugh, fine! Don't do something weird, you loser!

-Leo: Bye, sweetie, see you tonight. Oh, dress cute, but not too cute. Basically just show up, you're cute in whatever.

-Kate: Yeah, sure. Very charming. Bye, honey!

End of phone call.

She just called me honey. Kate just called me honey! I have to prepare tonight's "proposal," it has to be the best night of her life.

The idea of asking Kate to be my girlfriend makes me light up inside. Just another normal day, Leonardo DiCaprio giggles alone in the middle of his empty house. Kate's right, I am a weirdo.

I started decorating and "setting the mood." It took me a good four hours to cook, decorate, set the table, and put out the fairy lights to make it super special.

At around 7 pm, I decided to take a shower. I went upstairs and picked out my outfit for later. A nice, white shirt, one I would take to a premiere. A pair of fine pants, not jeans, but not dancing pants. A black bowtie because Kate loved to see me in bowties, and a pair of shiny black shoes.

I slicked my hair back with some gel after my shower and slipped on my brown socks. I kinda looked like Jack in the scene where I wait downstairs for Kate to walk down and join me for dinner in first class. She would love it.

As I finished getting dressed, there was a knock on the door. I practically skipped the stairs and ran to the door. I checked my outfit in the mirror once more and opened the door.

There she was. I could barely stop my eyes from widening at the sight of her, I think I might have drooled over my bowtie a little.

She was wearing a black mini dress, thigh-high length, to be exact. Her hair was down, flowing in her natural curls, with a strawberry blonde colour as her natural blonde roots were coming back. Bright red lipstick was covering her luscious, plump lips. She was wearing minimal makeup but looked as stunning as she did the night of the first-class dinner scene.

"He-" She was about to say hello, but I couldn't hold it, and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

She kissed me back, and I had her against the wall, hands around her waist and chest to chest. Then I remembered I had something to ask her and pulled away.

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