14 - New Moon

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This is the chapter that follows "Hellmoon (2)". It begins right when the other one ends, so be prepared for some major cringing! Please comment and vote!

Mia's POV

I came downstairs to tell my mum my bag was ready and I just needed to brush my teeth before her and uncle Leo took me to granny's house, but that was a major mistake.

By major mistake I mean I saw the thing I never expected to see, the thing I kinda always hoped would happen.

I'm not a fool, I knew exactly what was going on when I walked in on them. How was I supposed to know? They were quietly eating breakfast when I left them!

Uncle Leo had mum on top of the counter, both shirtless, kissing in places that shouldn't be visible. Their hands were roaming around, dangerously disappearing out of view.

I had thought about this, but at the same time, she's my mum! I would never want to see my mum about to... you know what, with uncle Leo! I mean, there's a reason they cut the camera when Jack and Rose were in that car. Gross.

As soon as they saw me, they jumped away from each other and, in the blink of an eye, their shirts were back on.

She was cleaning the aftermath of the kiss with her sleeve, and uncle Leo was going to try to explain. He was probably going to give me some shitty excuse as to why what they were doing was 'not what I was thinking,' but before he could start, I cut him off.

"Don't. Even. I'm leaving now. Just came down to say I just needed to brush my teeth and we could go, but now I've got to wash my eyes, too."

That said, I ran back upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom, the image repeating over and over in my head. I couldn't make it stop for the next few weeks.

Kate's POV

Leo had agreed to go with me on the trip, but there was something slightly more important going on right now. Mia walked in on us kissing. On top of the counter. Shirtless. And my hands were in his pants. As soon as we saw her, we jerked apart to get dressed, but she had seen it all. I cursed in my head, multiple times. How could I let my eleven-year-old see me doing that?!

Leo was dressed first, so he was the one who tried to explain, but Mia was smarter than that. She cut him off and ran back upstairs to 'wash her eyes out'. The whole situation was more cringy than anything I can remember right now, but it's over. Might as well get over it.

Leo and I shared a laugh and went back to talking.

My eyes never moved from his, but his eyes were not on mine. They kept moving from my lips to... some other place near my chest. The tension between us was evident. We both wanted to... but Mia was still in the house.

I must admit, it was a little cruel of me to be thinking of my daughter as an obstacle, but my impulses were winning this fight.

Then I realized she was taking way too long to just be 'washing her eyes out', so I went upstairs to check on her. I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Mia? Are you okay in there?" No answer. "Honey, is this because of what you saw in the kitchen?" She answered.

"Do you like my uncle Leo?" The question shocked me, but I had the answer, the right answer.

"Yes, darling, I love him very, very much. He saved me -us, from a lot of trouble, and he's my best friend." The door opened and I stared at a smiley Mia.

My confusion grew even more.

"Then I'm very happy for you, mum." There was something she was not telling me. "But please, don't ever let me see that again," she pleaded. I laughed.

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