11 - Hellmoon

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This is something I've been thinking of doing for some time and it has to do with the previous two chapters. Please leave your suggestions and comments below! Don't forget to vote, too!

Mia's POV

Today, mum and Sam are leaving for their honeymoon. She doesn't seem very happy about it.

In fact, she has been rather down these couple of days after the wedding. As a result of all of this, I call it a Hellmoon.

Anyway, I act cheerful for mum because she's been very sad, even though I can't seem to understand why. As far as I know, you should be happy when you've finally married the person you love, right?

I know I'm only eleven, but still, mum thinks my mind works like a 5-year-old's. If she knew the kind of things I know and how I see things, she would let me in a lot more.

I have my own way to handle things, and yes, I make mistakes, but I learn from and don't repeat them. At least her not knowing how my mind works gives me some advantages. She doesn't think I would be capable to do the things I do behind her back.

But that is a subject for another time. Right now, I need to focus on making her breakfast and at least making her smile a little bit before she leaves with that guy. And about that guy...

I haven't told mum, because she seemed way too happy with him until uncle Leo showed up. Sam had been with his secretary a lot. Mum had been working a lot, too, and Sam, who was supposed to take care of me, was scarcely ever home.

He always got here in the early hours of the morning and smelled funny, kinda like how adults smell at parties, a mix of alcohol and stale cigarettes.

He never read me my stories before bed and never, ever cooked for me. He always said, "There's mac&cheese in the pantry, you can put it in the microwave if you want to eat. You know which button to push in the fridge if you want water and ice, and there are cookies in the counter, but you can have only one after dinner. Brush your teeth and go to sleep early. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, uncle Sam" was all I would say, although my head was screaming it was all bullshit. He sounded rather pissed.

I would fake a good little girl, and as soon as he left through that door, I would lock it. I called mum every day to see how she was doing, it seemed like Sam didn't speak to her once while she was away.  After speaking to mum, I would head to the movie room and watch Titanic before dozing off.

I liked to imagine mum and uncle Leo being a couple in real life. I was ten, and already craving love. I know I'm only eleven now, but still, it seemed like it was ages ago.

I would watch Titanic two or three times every night. I cringed when mum showed up naked in front of uncle Leo, but she is really, really pretty. I wish I could be that pretty one day.

I cried the first time I saw uncle Leo die, but then I pushed the though away, knowing he is alive and well and comes to visit very often.

I pretend he is my dad and I often call him so. A smile appears on his face every time he hears the words 'I love you, dad.' come to of my mouth. I love uncle/dad Leo. He and mum would be the perfect couple.

Back to Sam, I once overheard one of his conversations on the phone. He was talking to a girl, because his stupid-ass had it on speaker the whole time, thinking I was asleep.

I obviously wasn't, and now he's busted. He was calling this girl 'baby girl' and 'princess'. She sounded ages younger than him.

Sam doesn't have any kids, let alone a daughter. She would beg him to come over, but he would tell her he had to watch over 'The Little Mistake'. I supposed that was me. But nu-uh, honey. I wasn't gonna let that one slide. I pulled my phone out and started recording the conversation.

I held my tears and the impulse to run and lock myself in my room back because I had to record the whole conversation.

These two kept saying the dirtiest things to each other, and I wished I didn't know what they meant. I was almost in middle school, kids talk. That was the moment it all fell into place for me. Sam was cheating on my mum, and I knew with who. That voice sounded exactly like Mary's, Sam's secretary.

I met Mary when mum and I went to Sam's office to pick him up and go to dinner and the movies. I spoke to her while mum went into his office. She was very nice, but seemed a little sour when it came to speaking about my mum and Sam, mostly my mum. Mary would always change the subject once it came to her.

When all the puzzle pieces fit together, I ran into my bedroom and locked the door. I was literally being 'watched over' by a complete and utter stranger and there were still four more weeks to go. How would I get on with this?

I got it together and reminded myself that my mum is Kate Winslet, and acting is in my veins. I created my story and imagined the next four weeks were a shoot without a break.

After all this time, I feel terrible for not telling my mum that Sam was cheating on her, she's married a man who doesn't love her now, but I was just so scared! I need help, and I only trust one person for this. I need to call uncle Leo.

I finished making breakfast and left a note in case mum woke up and I was still outside talking to dad. Then I ran to the backyard and locked the door from the outside. It was really cold, so I ran back inside, put on my winter coat and boots, and went back out.

-Phone  conversation between Mia and Leo-

Leo: Hello, Leonardo DiCaprio speaking.

Mia: Uncle Leo! Please! I need help, and quick!

Leo: Mia? Baby, what's wrong? I'll help you with anything you need.

Mia: I made a terrible mistake, and you're the only person I trust enough to help me fix this.

Leo: It's okay, honey, tell me.

Mia: Dad, Sam was cheating on my mum when she was away. I never said anything out of fear, and they leave today for their hellmoon, and she just looks so sad! *Mia starts crying*

Leo: Oh my god, Mia... I- I don't know what to say...

Mia: Please, uncle Leo you have to help me! I did't mean to ruin my mum's life!

Leo: No, baby, no. You didn't ruin her life. I'll be right there, just hold on.

Mia: *sobbing* Thank you, dad, I love you.

Leo: It's alright, baby, everything is going to be fine, just hold on. Love you, too.

-End of conversation-

Leo's POV

As soon as the call ended, the phone fell from my hands. The shock I was experiencing, all the crazy stupid thoughts that went through my head, the fact that Mia called me 'dad' twice during the phone call.

But my mind kept going back to Kate, how Mia had mentioned she was sad, and how Sam had been cheating on her while she was working. What a sick man, even I thought he loved her.

Now I knew for a fact he didn't. Mia may be eleven, but she is far smarter and more curious than you could think when you first meet her.

I'm sure she has proof, Mia's like a little detective when it comes to Sam. She never really liked him, and it's not like he made any effort to be liked by her.

I made my way to my car as fast as I could, forgetting to even lock the door to my hotel room, and drove all the way to Kate's place in less than fifteen minutes. I probably broke more than ten traffic rules, but I couldn't care less about that. Mia needed me, Kate needed me, and Sam needed some knuckle sandwich for breakfast.

-To be Continued-

Hey, guys! This is a long chapter, I know, but the idea just popped into my head and I couldn't get it off, so here it is! Please note that Mia's age the year this is set in (2003) would be 3, because she was born in 2000, but let it slide for the sake of the story. Don't forget to comment and vote!

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