Power Naps - Excerpt

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I very firmly believe in the magic of ten minute power naps.

"What is a ten minute power nap?" You may ask.

Well, let me tell you.

A power nap is a nap for anywhere between 10 - 20 minutes at the most - they normally never exceed more than 15 minutes, but it truly depends what you've been doing to warrant a power nap.

They're used for just quick 'refills' of energy.

I can tell you many a time when I have power napped.

Especially on tour and on ten minute breaks at rehearsals.

Trust me, once you start power napping, your life will never be the same.

-From: My Guide On Surviving The Hectic Life Of A Pre-Professional Ballerina (there actually isn't a full guide, but remember: these are excepts of stories I'll never write!)

Thanks for taking the time to read my writing!

dwts_ballerina ❤

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