Our Song - Excerpt

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Our song is midnight drives with the sun roof open. Our song is artsy pictures at landmarks and handmade waffle cones. Our song is red nail polish and your leather jacket. Our song is cheek kisses and sarcastic jokes. Our song is promise rings and huge sunglasses. Our song is obscure restaurants and morning radio shows. Our song is about five gallons of coffee and a couple of passports. Our song is old-time-y stores and deep dish pizza. Our song is throw-a-dart-at-a-map-and-we'll-go-where-it-lands. Our song is intertwined fingers across the center console of a car and laid back seats. Our song is chewing the extra ice cubes at the bottom of our glasses and heavy hoodies. Our song is a dock and seawater. Our song is lake days and eating on outdoor patios. Our song is string lights and lanterns outside. Our song is ballroom dancing in refrigerator lighting. Our song is somewhat sketchy inns and warm breakfast.

Our song is no regrets.

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