Mixed Drinks - Excerpt

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And maybe nobody will listen to you because you are a mixed drink of two parts independent, two parts artistic, and two parts different.

Maybe nobody will listen to you because they feel your opinion has been rendered invalid because maybe someone of their own took a few too many sips of you and are now drunk off your ideas. So drunk on your thoughts that their vision is blurry and their friends start taking away their keys.

Maybe nobody will listen to you because you are now on every menu at every bar, and when people don't know how to make you, the consumer gives the waitress the recipe.

Maybe nobody will listen to you because that one friend that got drunk off you that one time has started using your knowledge in every day conversation with everyone else and maybe they're all starting to realize it.

Maybe nobody will listen to you because now that they know how strong of a drink you are, they will only order basic glasses of white wine so they don't have to be scared of spilling their drink and staining their dresses, so that they don't have to be scared of how they will feel when they wake up in the morning, so that they don't have to ever learn for themselves how maybe one sip could change their lives for the better.

And maybe nobody will listen to you because they know that your two parts independent, two parts artistic, and two parts different are absolutely life changing, and they know that after one sip that everything they say will be wrong, and that everything you say will be right, and maybe they're scared of being wrong, maybe they're scared of commitment, and maybe that's why nobody is listening to you.

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