Into the Bunker

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The zombies were starting to close in on the terrified couple, who were trapped right in the middle of them.

"What do we do, Chadley?" said the woman with a 'scared' voice. "I thought they were dead!"

"Far worse, Trixandra" said Chadley. "They're nearly almost dead but not quite!"

The title of the movie flashed onto the screen:

'Nearly Almost Dead But Not Quite!"

Dipper and Wendy were in her room watching the terribly-done corny horror movie on the TV. They were sitting on Wendy's bed as well, with a bowl of popcorn between them.

"Man" said Dipper, as he and Wendy shoved handfuls of popcorn into their mouths. "These movies are a lot less scary when you've actually fought real zombies."

"They're slow!" Wendy said to the people in the movie. "Just power-walk away from them!"

Dipper grinned, and elbowed Wendy.

"How much do you wanna bet that guy dies first?"

As if on cue, the zombie in the movie suddenly started to eat Chadley.

"Aah, my face is being eaten a lot!" said Chadley, with a 'terrified' voice. He was an absolutely atrocious actor.

Dipper and Wendy started laughing at the poor acting of Chadley's death.

"Chadley ain't pretty no more" said Wendy.

Suddenly, her cell phone started buzzing.

"One second" she said to Dipper as she pulled out her cell phone from her pocket and flipped it open. She groaned.

"Another text from Robbie" she said with annoyance.

Dipper started to laugh nervously.

"Ha ha, oh yeah, Robbie. How's, uh, how's that going?"

Dipper awkwardly shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

Wendy groaned.

"I'm over him, I just with that he was over me" she said, holding her phone out for Dipper to see. "Just look at these texts."

Apparently, Robbie had sent her a ;( symbol.

"Winky frown? What does that even mean?" said Wendy in annoyance.

"And you're not..." said Dipper, coughing awkwardly. "...Seeing any other guys, or..."

Wendy turned to face him, and put her cell phone down.

"Of course I am" she said. "Meet my new boyfriend, dude."

She reached out and put her arm around a walrus stuffed animal, pulling it towards her for Dipper to see.

The stuffed animal squeaked as she squeezed it.

Dipper laughed nervously.

"Right, right..." he said, as he started to scratch the back of his head anxiously. " I was wondering if, like, maybe, you wanted to..."

Dipper started to drum his fingers against his knees nervously.

"I mean, if you wanted to...if you and me whatever...or...if maybe you..."

Wendy chewed a mouthful of popcorn as she waited for Dipper to finally make his point. By now, she was quite used to the way he talked.

Dipper closed his eyes anxiously, holding his breath, before finally exhaling and chickening out from what he was originally going to ask her.

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