Chapter 10

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S/F/N(Step Father Name)


"A grim reaper, how!?" I asked partly curious and somewhat scared "Well sweetheart, when a person commits suicide they are turned or get the chance to be grim reapers, your father is a grim reaper Y/N" he said softly, tears brimmed my eyes "Why, why couldn't you mom tell me!?" "Hun if you knew this when you were a little girl your life would be ruined" he whispered "And besides,*gets up from seat* you would be too young to understand" he began too turn the door knob "Wait! I want to meet him,my father" S/F/N turned around too face me "If you wish too, you should call Adrien first" he said with a straight face "Goodnight sweetheart" he said as he walked out of the room I looked out my window and watched as many people walked or rode carriages to their homes I laid down slowly and fell asleep slowly.

Time skip to morning

I woke up and gotten dressed and headed out I couldn't even think about eating I mean who could when they meet their real parents I am so scared it ain't funny I just want to get this over with, this is only the 3rd week I've been in London and its already getting interesting. I soon arrived at Undertakers shop ready as ever to meet this William T. Spears.

To be continued


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