Chapter 16

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Your POV

There was so much paperwork like you wouldn't believe. I had to sign my name at least 25 times in each stack of papers. "Are you alright dearest?" a voice brought me out of my tiring thoughts, I leaned back in my chair "Yeah". I could feel Adrian's strong gaze, I turned to him and smiled "Was that all of the paperwork or.....?" Adrian smirked "Heh yes dearest, that was all of it". I sighed "Good, my hand was starting to cramp" Adrian chuckled "You've never written that much before?" I shook my head "I have in school, but I am an adult now so I grew out of it....." I trailed off. "As you should know, I'm used to having paperwork since I am the only Undertaker in England" I smiled "Is it a hard job?" he shook his head "No deary, a job is not hard if you enjoy it". I stood up from the chair I was sitting in "I have already made some plans for us" Adrian smiled "Really?" "Yes, first we need to get your stuff, since you will be staying here" I nodded "Okay, I can do tha-". I was interrupted by the ring of the walk-in bell "Y/n!" a voice called out I went out toward the entrance to see my step-father "Yes?" I folded my arms "I had a feeling you would need your belongings so I brought them for you" he smiled "How did you know that I needed my stuff?" he tapped his temple "Call it demons intuition" he laughed and I rolled my eyes. 

Adrian came in "Oh Alexander, your here" that's my step-fathers real name "Hello Adrian" "You two know each other?" Alexander smiled "Of course we do but very little, Adrian knows my brother better than he knows me". "Oh yeah that's right, you're Ciel's butlers brother, what was his name again?" Alexander smiled "Sebastian" Sebastian that's right! I had heard a few ladies talking about how good looking he is and how he is too amazing to be a butler. "I am older than Sebastian though" my face turned into an expression of extreme surprise "Your older than him?!" Alexander, of course thought it was a compliment "I know right I mean I look so young and handsome don't I?" I sighed this is going to be a long day........

Hi! Everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter I am happy to inform that I now have a laptop which will make it easy to type and so I can make quick updates now! I cannot believe how many reads and votes are on this story, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!! 


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