Chapter 31

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(F/d/f) = favorite dinner food

I was about to close up shop when I heard a knock at the door. Hm, that's strange, customers always walk in on their own I thought as I headed towards the door. I opened to see the man who was with my mother, the man who hurt Adrian. "Good evening" he said, a smirk appearing on his face, I tried to close the door on him, but he stopped it with his foot. "Well, that's not a way to treat customers, now is it?" he pushed the door open, making me stumble back a bit. "What are you doing here?" I asked "I'm here to arrange a funeral" he smirked. "Who's funeral?" he took a step closer to me "Your mother's of course." His eyes met my gaze "I'm not the only one who wants her dead, am I?" he chuckled. "I don't like my mother, but I'd never wish for her death" I frowned and looked down at the floor. "Chin up darling, she's not dead, yet" he lifted my chin up with his index finger. Then, the door to the backroom opened "What's taking you so long dearest?" Adrian said, his calm expression turned to anger when he saw him.

"What are you doing here Zachary?" he glared at him. "Why, I'm here to plan a funeral for your wife's mother" he chuckled "I don't mean any harm." "Really? Did you mean any harm when you attacked Adrian?" I was starting to angry, I wanted him out as soon as possible but it seemed like he wasn't going to leave anytime soon. "I want you to leave, we can schedule the funeral another time" Adrian said as he passed both of us and opened the door. Zachary sighed "Very well then, I hope to see you soon Mr. Undertaker" as he was leaving Zach looked at me through the corner of his eye. Adrian slammed the door behind him and looked at me "Did he hurt you?" he asked. "No he didn't" he walked up to me and gave me a tight hug "Good." I smiled "I think it's tine for us to get some rest" I removed myself from his embrace and walked toward the back of the room. I tensed up as I felt his hand lay on my shoulder "Perhaps you should get some rest but not before you eat" Adrian said as he removed his hand from my shoulder.

We walked into the kitchen "Now, what do you feel like eating?" I walked over towards the cupboards and pulled out ingredients for (F/d/f). "Great choice dearest, shall I help you make it?" I smiled "Of course dear" he chuckled and grabbed some utensils. An hour had passed and the food had been made, I took a bite of the food "How is it?" Adrian asked as he scooted his chair closer to mine. I smiled "It tastes amazing, thank you for helping me make it" he chuckled "Well, im glad you like it dearest" he kissed my cheek. After we finished eating I made my way over to the sink to wash the dishes, Adrian appeared beside me "Here let me, wash the dishes, you've helped me enough today" he smiled. "Well, in that case I'm going to get ready for bed" I walked upstairs to our bedroom and changed into some night clothes and laid down on our bed. I closed my eyes and found myself dozing off, hoping to have a good dream instead of a nightmare. However, I couldn't get over the fact that Zachary had visited the shop, and that he wanted to plan my mother's funeral. Was he going to kill her?

To be continued....

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