Chapter 20

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f/d=favorite drink
f/f=favorite food

After me and father left the flower shop, we decided to go get some lunch. "I heard that there's a nice little restaurant somewhere around here" William said "Is that it?" I asked pointing to a restaurant with a crowd of people surrounding the entrance. William nodded "I believe that it is" we both walked toward it "Wow it's packed" my eyes widened "Well it's new, that's probably why." We both managed you get past the crowd and inside the restaurant. A waiter came up to us "Welcome sir, would you like a table?" "Yes, if it's not much trouble" William nodded. The waiter bowed "Of course" he said before walking toward the kitchen, he returned after a few minutes "Right this way" he led us to a table closest to the window. "What drinks would you like?" I smiled "I'll have f/d" "I'll have some coffee" William said, the waiter smiled "Of course, I'll be right back with your beverages" the waiter left. "So can you tell me more about my mother?" I asked "Your mother used to be so kind, when I first met her I felt something that I never have, love" I nodded "But she's different now, I wouldn't have fallen in love with her if I found out she was power hungry, and the fact that she wants to take her own daughters soul, it disgusts me." I frowned  "She really wants my soul doesn't she?" William nodded "I'm afraid she does, but let's forget about her just for today" I smiled "Especially today" William smiled back.
"Sorry I took so long, here are your drinks" the waiter handed me and William our drinks "So have we decided on what you want to eat?" we both nodded "Yes, I will have f/f" "I'll have what she's having" William said "Of course, I'll get your food ready" the waiter walked off toward the kitchen. I leaned my head against the window and sighed "What's wrong?" William asked "I'm just thinking" "About?" I lifted my head from the window "How do you feel about Adrian and me?" his eyes widened "Oh well I thinks it's best for you, he'll be able to protect you from your mother for the time being and you seem to enjoy his company, a lot." I smiled "Yeah I do" "Well the only thing I care about is your happiness" William looked out the window his green eyes seemed to glow in the sunlight. The waiter soon brought us our food and we ate it the food was amazing, but that feeling soon left us when we had to pay for the bill "I'll pay for it" William said grabbing his wallet from inside his pocket "No I can pay, you already bought the flowers for me" he shook his head "Fine, will it make you feel better if we split the bill?" I nodded happily and he sighed.
After we left the restaurant, the sun was setting "I suppose I will take you home now" William said "Thank you, father" I smiled up at him "You're welcome, Y/n" he smiled. What a nice day this was but I don't know what awaits me tomorrow.

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