Chapter 27

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A/n: I'm very sorry for the slow updates I've just been so exhausted because of swim practice.

I had waited for a long time for Adrian to come back, but once he did he was badly wounded. I sighed and sunk into my cushioned chair, closing my eyes. I was relieved that Adrian had made it back safely. But, I was worried at the same time, Adrian had gotten hurt, and it was my fault. I don't even know what happened between him and M/n, but I don't think I want to. Right now, I just wished that none of this had ever happened. I wish my mother would've left me and Adrian alone, but some part inside of me was thankful that my mother showed up. If she didn't then I wouldn't have met Adrian, my lips began to tremble. I heard footsteps getting close to me, I tried to put on a serious face but I couldn't help but frown. The footsteps stopped,  "Dearest, please don't cry" I opened my eyes immediately to see Adrian crouched down in front of me. Adrian was without his robe and hat, and his torso, arms, and legs were wrapped in bandages.
As much as I wanted to smile, I couldn't, instead I leaned forward and removed his bangs away from his eyes. My eyes met his, his eyes were no longer piercing, I could see sadness in his eyes. He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm lightly "Adrian, you're okay?" he just nodded "Of course I am dearest, I have to be okay, knowing that you are waiting for me" he smiled softly. He leaned up towards me and wrapped his arms around me but not too tight because that would make him hurt even more. "I see you found your way to her just fine" my father said as he approached the two of us "Dad, you always appear when me and Adrian are hugging or doing something else together." He pushed his glasses back up to the ridge of his nose "Well I certainly hope that I don't catch you two doing something other than hugging or kissing, because if I do-" I blushed and interrupted him "Dad!" I pulled away from the hug and glared at my father.
"What? I'm just looking out for you" he said as he glared right back at me "Well you don't have to look out for me dad, I can look out for myself" I crossed my arms. "Mhm, sure you can, but don't come crying to me when something happens between you two" he sighed. "Well, set that conversation aside, Adrian's wounds won't be healed for a while so Y/n you're going to help him with his daily objectives" I nodded "Like his job?" I asked. "Yes, but his job isn't easy, you have to be careful when handling dead bodies, or you won't get any money out of it" "Don't worry dearest, I'll tell you how to do it" Adrian smiled.

🌼random time skip🌸

I stood at the edge of the coffin, staring at the dead body before me. Adrian was standing behind me (I'm not an undertaker so I'm just gonna guess what being one is like) "Don't worry dearest, all you have to do is cut his skin where I drew the lines" I gulped and placed the scalpel against the man's skin. I finished cutting down the lines on the mans torso "Now pull the skin open and take out all of his insides" Adrian instructed. Good thing I had leather gloves on at the moment, (I'm skipping the details) I finished taking out all of the mans insides. "You have to stuff him now" he said, I groaned, I was not going to like doing this.

                      To be continued...

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