Chapter 15

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I took a deep breath as I approached Undertaker's shop. This was it, I am going to love this man for the rest of my life. Half of me loved him and wanted to be with him while the other half was not so sure. I closed my eyes and thought of the perfect future that me and Adrian could have. I didn't know him very well, but I had begun to have feelings for him even before I knew about the contract. I slowly opened the door and walked into the middle of the dusty room. I smiled at the familiar laughter echoing through the shop. "Ehehe well if it isn't Y/n what brings you here?" I was about to speak but was soon interrupted by Adrian putting his hand on my shoulder "I-I the contract" my face flushed. Adrian chuckled "Ah so you have chosen I am very curious to know your answer" I thought for a moment wondering how I would say my answer to him. Should I be excited or serious? I decided to go for just telling him the regular way.

"I choose to love you Adrian Crevan" I smiled. He looked at me with his signature smirk "Is this your final choice my dear?" he looked questionably toward me I nodded "Yes this is my final choice" he smirked "Good, now my dear we must do the paperwork" he took my hand and lead me towards the back room to do the paperwork........

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