chapter 12

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Sebastian Michaelis, Lord Phamtomhives Butler is my step-uncle!? I just couldn't believe it well what else couldn't I believe I mean my mom has lied to me all my life,  my real dad is a grim reaper, my step-father is a demon I wonder what's next my mother being a demon too.
My father brought me out of my thoughts "Demons are foul creatures and you mustn't go near them y/n/n" he doesn't know that I have been around Sebastian does he? "Well to be frank William she already has hehehe" William looked at me with disgusted eyes "Oh! Please don't tell me she was around Michaelis!?" I smiled nervously "Undertaker you let that foul being around my daughter!" Adrian chuckled "Well I'm not her father so..." "So what!? M/n told you to protect her or our contract will be over!".
Wait what contract I thought " What does father mean?" I said to Adrian "Well before you were born me and your mother signed a contract a 'special' contract.....

To be continued

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