Chapter 26

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Grell and Ronald wouldn't stop arguing, and it was starting to get on my nerves. "Hey, could you two shut up, please" Grell turned around to face me "No! I don't listen to little girls like you!" I rolled my eyes "Fine, I'll just tell my father I give you more paperwork and less time from this 'Bassy' person" Grell gasped in horror. "No please! I beg of you! We'll stop arguing!" Ronald smirked, "You got him there" I laughed. Several hours had passed as I listened to Ronald's tales of how he became a reaper and how his first mission went, while Grell was falling asleep. It seemed like Ronald was trying to distract me from my worries, but it only made them worse. Father nor Adrian had come back, I frowned, "Hey, Y/n, what's wrong?" Ronald looked at me. "I'm worried about my father and Adrian, they haven't come back yet" Ronald frowned "Yeah, now that you mention it, but I'm sure they'll be back soon" he patted my shoulder.
More time had passed and I had taken a few naps, after I took another nap, I woke up and saw that Grell and Ronald were gone. I was alone, I wanted to go look for them, but my father told me to stay in his office. Just then, the door opened, my eyes widened and tears began to form in my eyes. Adrian wad standing in the doorway, his clothes were ripped, and blood seeped through the rips. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him, I felt his arms wrap around me weakly. I pulled away and rested my hand upon his cheek "You're hurt" I said between sobs "Is there anything I can do?" he smiled. "I've already told William to get a doctor, you don't have to worry about me dearest" "But it is my job, Adrian I'm your wife" I started to cry. "I know dearest" he leaned down and kissed my forehead "I love you Y/n" he hugged me as tightly as he could.
I smiled softly "I love you too Adrian" I heard footsteps behind Adrian "I'm sorry to interrupt your moment, but the doctor is here." I looked over Adrian's shoulder and saw my father, Adrian unwrapped his arms from around me and stepped back. Father had his glasses off and his suit was ripped but it wasn't as bad as Adrian's robe, my father walked over and hugged me tightly, I hugged him back. "Wait just a minute, where are Grell and Ronald?" he asked as he pulled out of the hug, an angry expression appeared on his face "I don't know where they are" I said, my father sighed "Well they'll just get extra paperwork then" he stormed off, I giggled. "Do you know how much I love your laugh?" Adrian asked, I smiled "I'm guessing, a lot" he nodded "You're such a smart girl." "Well, let's not waste time now, you have to get those wounds treated."

                   To be continued....

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