Chapter 35

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The wedding is officially two days from now, and I am both excited and nervous. I've spent the last week sending out invitations and scheduling appointments for my dress fitting and all of it was paid for by both Adrian and my father. I don't think this wedding would be possible without either of them, I was quickly pulled away from my thoughts as I felt a needle poke my waist. I winced "I know it hurts Ms. L/n but we have to do this to make the dress fit perfectly, according to your body type" the dress designer, Mrs. Wheeler apologized. "Its alright, why the needle though?" she smiled and took a step back to admire her work "Well it helps make adjustments to the dress, if needed, and I think this dress is finished" she said the last part with a hint of pride. "You look fabulous dear" I turned around to look at myself in the mirror, I gazed at my reflection, the dress itself was beautiful, pearls placed across the neck and waistline, the skirt of the dress was frilly but not too frilly. It fit my figure perfectly "It's beautiful, I'm breathless, thank you so much Mrs. Wheeler" I turned to face her again "Well it's only as beautiful as the woman wearing it, you look stunning Ms. L/n, now let's get you into your casual clothes" I turned around again so she could untie my dress I carefully stepped out of the dress when it fell to my ankles. Mrs. Wheeler grabbed the dress and exited the dressing room while I put on the dress I was wearing before my dress fitting. I walked out of the dressing room and Mrs. Wheeler and I exchanged goodbyes, and then I went home, I opened the door just to run into my father, it seemed that he was just leaving "Oh hello Y/n, I was just having a talk with Adrian about the wedding" he said as he pushed his glasses back up to the brim of his nose. "I think you need to get new glasses from the reaper society because your always pushing them back up and is something wrong with the wedding?" he shook his head lightly "Not at all, we were just going over the invitations, catering, etc..." his voice trailed off "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go back to soul reaping I have a soul to collect in exactly 25 minutes" he walked towards the door "Umm okay well I'll see you later then" he had already shut the door when I said that.

I opened the back door to find Adrian looking in the cupboard "What are you looking for?" I asked as I made my way towards him "I was just getting some plates, we're having some people over for dinner tonight" he held a pile of plates in his hands. "Who?" I grabbed some of the small plates on top of the pile "Well, the Crawford family is stopping by, they're a very important family the wife is the grandaughter of the Queen's general and they have chosen me to prepare a funeral for her grandmother" I frowned. "So that's why they're coming for dinner? to discuss the funeral preparations" he nodded "Yes dearest" he set the plates down and then I set the smaller plates down next to them "What time are they going to be here?" he looked over at the grandfather clock that was across the room. "Well they should be here at around 5 and I've finished making dinner and dessert is in the oven so I will have everything ready by the time they get here" he opened up a drawer and took some silverware out and placed them onto the table while I placed them next to the plates. I heard the door bell ring, I looked at the clock the hour hand was at 4, why would they be here so early? Or had someone else arrived.

To be continued...

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